It’s not that they’re small...

...It’s that genetics say they should be big. Literally everyone in my family has large breasts, from my immediate family to my aunts on both sides and my grandmothers on both sides. One of my aunts had to have surgery to shrink hers; that’s how big they were.

So while I’ve learned to love my body itself, I feel like something’s wrong with me all the same. If that makes sense. The doctor confirmed it’s not hormonal imbalance and my mom used to be a nutritionist so I know I’m eating healthy. I know my own diet. Those are the only causes I know other than genetics. Are there any more?

I don’t remember my size but I’m almost flat, definitely not anywhere near the sizes of anyone in my family. And all the women in my family’s breasts started growing around age 12-14, which I’m way past. I’m just wondering if anyone else is in the same situation? Does anyone else have a family with large breasts while theirs is small? If so I can chalk it up to just being born that way, but if not, it’s just eating me as to why they’re so small. I just want to know WHY. Because forget comparisons to friends and strangers; I’m an outcast in my own family (they don’t tease me about it, I’m just self-conscious about it. I have the sweetest family, but this is just something they cannot relate to. My poor sweet sister said her boobs squish against her desk when she’s in class taking notes in order to try to make me feel better.)

Any ideas? I’m desperate haha. Sorry for the long post!

...It’s that genetics say they should be big. Literally everyone in my family has large breasts, from my immediate family to my aunts on both sides and my grandmothers on both sides. One of my aunts had to have surgery to shrink hers; that’s how big they were.So while I’ve learned to love my body itself, I feel like something’s wrong with me all the same. If that makes sense. The doctor confirmed it’s not hormonal imbalance and my mom used to be a nutritionist so I know I’m eating healthy. I know my own diet. Those are the only causes I know other than genetics. Are there any more?I don’t remember my size but I’m almost flat, definitely not anywhere near the sizes of anyone in my family. And all the women in my family’s breasts started growing around age 12-14, which I’m way past. I’m just wondering if anyone else is in the same situation? Does anyone else have a family with large breasts while theirs is small? If so I can chalk it up to just being born that way, but if not, it’s just eating me as to why they’re so small. I just want to know WHY. Because forget comparisons to friends and strangers; I’m an outcast in my own family (they don’t tease me about it, I’m just self-conscious about it. I have the sweetest family, but this is just something they cannot relate to. My poor sweet sister said her boobs squish against her desk when she’s in class taking notes in order to try to make me feel better.)Any ideas? I’m desperate haha. Sorry for the long post!
