Doctor thinks Metformin would put me in the hospital. Is birth control my only other option?

Recently saw my doctor and asked her about Metformin. Some info about me

- my fasting blood sugar runs low at 65

- 2 hours after eating a normal breakfast it was at 78

- 2 hours after an OGTT with the sugary drink it was 138

- fasting insulin was quite low at <2

- A1c was 4.8

- I'm lean (but not thin, I could stand to lose a little but my doctors don't think weight loss would make a difference in my PCOS)

- my blood pressure runs low

With these results, I guess I don't blame her for not giving me Metformin. She said I would end up in the hospital with ketoacidosis. She prescribed me birth control, which I feel very torn about. I've read about non-IR people taking Metformin and it lowering their testosterone. Eating low carb helps my moods and acne, so I believe I am sensitive to sugars. But low carb doesn't seem like enough, because I still get these "hormonal surges" (idk how else to describe them, I can just feel my hormones going wild lol) where I break out, have extreme bouts of depression, irritability, etc. it just feels awful. And I've become so hard on myself, because I feel like it's my fault when it happens.

I don't know. Should I get a second opinion? I'm so nervous about taking birth control for the first time, but my mental health is really bad due to fluctuating hormones. My doctor thinks, for me, the hormone imbalance is due to the fact that I am 21 and some people just need birth control to level themselves out during this time. I've tried spiro, but I think it made my BP even lower because I got heart palpitations.

My doctor is a very kind woman who listens to me, so I don't want to sound like I am undermining her opinion. But is she right about Metformin, or should I look for another opinion? Does it sound like birth control is my only medical option?

Recently saw my doctor and asked her about Metformin. Some info about me- my fasting blood sugar runs low at 65- 2 hours after eating a normal breakfast it was at 78- 2 hours after an OGTT with the sugary drink it was 138- fasting insulin was quite low at <2- A1c was 4.8- I'm lean (but not thin, I could stand to lose a little but my doctors don't think weight loss would make a difference in my PCOS)- my blood pressure runs lowWith these results, I guess I don't blame her for not giving me Metformin. She said I would end up in the hospital with ketoacidosis. She prescribed me birth control, which I feel very torn about. I've read about non-IR people taking Metformin and it lowering their testosterone. Eating low carb helps my moods and acne, so I believe I am sensitive to sugars. But low carb doesn't seem like enough, because I still get these "hormonal surges" (idk how else to describe them, I can just feel my hormones going wild lol) where I break out, have extreme bouts of depression, irritability, etc. it just feels awful. And I've become so hard on myself, because I feel like it's my fault when it happens.I don't know. Should I get a second opinion? I'm so nervous about taking birth control for the first time, but my mental health is really bad due to fluctuating hormones. My doctor thinks, for me, the hormone imbalance is due to the fact that I am 21 and some people just need birth control to level themselves out during this time. I've tried spiro, but I think it made my BP even lower because I got heart palpitations.My doctor is a very kind woman who listens to me, so I don't want to sound like I am undermining her opinion. But is she right about Metformin, or should I look for another opinion? Does it sound like birth control is my only medical option?
