Keto And Its Medical Advantages

A ketogenic diet is all about minimizing your carb intake while capitalizing on healthy fats. Who can benefit from this diet? Aside from anyone who wishes to lose weight and have a healthier lifestyle, going the ketogenic route can also help you if you have certain health conditions.

Find below the medical conditions that may be alleviated if you try the keto diet.

1. Glycogen Storage Disease

GSD or Glycogen Storage Disease inhibits one of the enzymes in your body that aids in the blood sugar storage process. This leads to the inability to break down glycogen into glucose. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, enlarged liver, muscle cramps that happen regularly, lowered blood sugar, and impeded growth.

Because of the nature of this health condition, it is important to constantly supply the body with glucose by consuming high-carb foods at regular intervals. But, too much eating of carbohydrates may lead to a host of problems. You need a better alternative fuel source. This is where the ketogenic diet comes in.

Early research suggests that ketones can be used as your body’s alternative fuel source, thereby relieving most of the difficult symptoms. To know more about ketones, check this out.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is similar to GSD in a sense that it causes dramatic disruptions with the body’s sugar levels. Extremely high or low glucose levels can lead to dizziness, irritability, and even nerve and kidney damage in the future.

According to recent studies, ketogenic diets can help reduce and normalize blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. When this happens, medication can be reduced or even discontinued, allowing you to have a more normal and medication-free lifestyle.

3. Epilepsy

Anyone suffering from epilepsy has to deal with excessive brain activity that leads to seizures ranging from mild to severe. Doctors will provide anti-seizure prescriptions but, unfortunately, not every patient will have a positive reaction or even a response to the typically prescribed medicines.

A lot of research evidence has shown that a ketogenic diet does help someone with epilepsy. Up to 50% of epilepsy patients have seen an improvement in their conditions upon taking on the classic ketogenic diet. By consuming fat at four times more than you consume carbs and proteins, seizures can be minimized.

Researchers have also found that epileptic children who undergo a keto diet enjoy a considerable improvement in brain activity. Better brain patterns were observed and led to fewer and less severe seizures. This is especially helpful to those who don’t take to drug therapy well.

4. PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Many women suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and have to deal with hormonal imbalance. Symptoms include irregular periods and even infertility in severe cases. Patients also tend to have a huge problem with weight and obesity, which can lead to various complications, including Type 2 Diabetes.

A few published studies have shown that a keto diet can be beneficial to alleviate the harsh effects of PCOS. The low-carb, high-fat diet led to weight loss, better insulin processing in the body, and improved hormone levels.

5. Metabolic Syndrome

Insulin resistance is the main reason why someone can suffer from Metabolic Syndrome. Among the symptoms are increased weight, elevated triglycerides, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and elevated sugar.

This medical condition is also known as prediabetes as anyone having Metabolic Syndrome are more at risk of eventually suffering diabetes as well as heart attacks. To mitigate that, some researchers have recommended the keto diet.

By sticking to a ketogenic diet, you can improve cholesterol levels and normalize sugar levels as well as blood pressure.

See How a Keto Diet Can Benefit You

If you or a loved one have to deal with any of the above medical decisions, it may be time to check out what a keto diet can do for you. Let the benefits of this diet help alleviate your symptoms and aid you in achieving a better and healthier lifestyle.

A ketogenic diet is all about minimizing your carb intake while capitalizing on healthy fats. Who can benefit from this diet? Aside from anyone who wishes to lose weight and have a healthier lifestyle, going the ketogenic route can also help you if you have certain health conditions.Find below the medical conditions that may be alleviated if you try the keto diet.1. Glycogen Storage DiseaseGSD or Glycogen Storage Disease inhibits one of the enzymes in your body that aids in the blood sugar storage process. This leads to the inability to break down glycogen into glucose. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, enlarged liver, muscle cramps that happen regularly, lowered blood sugar, and impeded growth.Because of the nature of this health condition, it is important to constantly supply the body with glucose by consuming high-carb foods at regular intervals. But, too much eating of carbohydrates may lead to a host of problems. You need a better alternative fuel source. This is where the ketogenic diet comes in.Early research suggests that ketones can be used as your body’s alternative fuel source, thereby relieving most of the difficult symptoms. To know more about ketones, check this out.2. DiabetesDiabetes is similar to GSD in a sense that it causes dramatic disruptions with the body’s sugar levels. Extremely high or low glucose levels can lead to dizziness, irritability, and even nerve and kidney damage in the future.According to recent studies, ketogenic diets can help reduce and normalize blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. When this happens, medication can be reduced or even discontinued, allowing you to have a more normal and medication-free lifestyle.3. EpilepsyAnyone suffering from epilepsy has to deal with excessive brain activity that leads to seizures ranging from mild to severe. Doctors will provide anti-seizure prescriptions but, unfortunately, not every patient will have a positive reaction or even a response to the typically prescribed medicines.A lot of research evidence has shown that a ketogenic diet does help someone with epilepsy. Up to 50% of epilepsy patients have seen an improvement in their conditions upon taking on the classic ketogenic diet. By consuming fat at four times more than you consume carbs and proteins, seizures can be minimized.Researchers have also found that epileptic children who undergo a keto diet enjoy a considerable improvement in brain activity. Better brain patterns were observed and led to fewer and less severe seizures. This is especially helpful to those who don’t take to drug therapy well.4. PCOS or Polycystic Ovary SyndromeMany women suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and have to deal with hormonal imbalance. Symptoms include irregular periods and even infertility in severe cases. Patients also tend to have a huge problem with weight and obesity, which can lead to various complications, including Type 2 Diabetes.A few published studies have shown that a keto diet can be beneficial to alleviate the harsh effects of PCOS. The low-carb, high-fat diet led to weight loss, better insulin processing in the body, and improved hormone levels.5. Metabolic SyndromeInsulin resistance is the main reason why someone can suffer from Metabolic Syndrome. Among the symptoms are increased weight, elevated triglycerides, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and elevated sugar.This medical condition is also known as prediabetes as anyone having Metabolic Syndrome are more at risk of eventually suffering diabetes as well as heart attacks. To mitigate that, some researchers have recommended the keto diet.By sticking to a ketogenic diet, you can improve cholesterol levels and normalize sugar levels as well as blood pressure.See How a Keto Diet Can Benefit YouIf you or a loved one have to deal with any of the above medical decisions, it may be time to check out what a keto diet can do for you. Let the benefits of this diet help alleviate your symptoms and aid you in achieving a better and healthier lifestyle.
