just found this subreddit

Been cold turkey on porn (4 years+ of watching it) (nearly 4 months clean) due to losing my v card and now having a Girlfriend, trust me it is worth it as sex with someone everyday who you love is an amazing feeling compared to watching porn which only causes depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalance.

The effects heal with time, quickly when your mid inst occupied with the thought of masturbation and porn, but instead with lust for your partners body, personality, the beauty of cumming simultaneously, having someone there to talk and hold after your orgasm instead of your black mobile phone screen which leaving you with doubt, despair and an unhappy unsatisfied feeling.

We have looked at porn together and view it so differently, almost as anything you would see on TV as it doesn't cause any arousal to either of us as its so fake compared to an intimate relationship and sex life.

To those trying to abstain or quit for whatever purpose just remember a brighter future starts with a better today, you can beat porn addiction, try exercise or reading or homework to get your mind off it.

Been cold turkey on porn (4 years+ of watching it) (nearly 4 months clean) due to losing my v card and now having a Girlfriend, trust me it is worth it as sex with someone everyday who you love is an amazing feeling compared to watching porn which only causes depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalance.The effects heal with time, quickly when your mid inst occupied with the thought of masturbation and porn, but instead with lust for your partners body, personality, the beauty of cumming simultaneously, having someone there to talk and hold after your orgasm instead of your black mobile phone screen which leaving you with doubt, despair and an unhappy unsatisfied feeling.We have looked at porn together and view it so differently, almost as anything you would see on TV as it doesn't cause any arousal to either of us as its so fake compared to an intimate relationship and sex life.To those trying to abstain or quit for whatever purpose just remember a brighter future starts with a better today, you can beat porn addiction, try exercise or reading or homework to get your mind off it. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J http://bit.ly/2GU5adt
