Losing Weight Has Never Been Easier!

Crunches will flatten the stomach - You can not spot reduce fat by exercising a specific area. Keto-T911 Review Situps and crunches cannot widdle away abdominal fat. In fact crunches put a lot of stress on the lumbar spine (about 674 lbs. of force) and may open you up for injury. Excess fat storage around your midline has more to do with hormonal imbalances and overall fitness than whether or not you can do a million crunches. There are better ways to train the abs then crunches.

Proper clean eating habits and core stabilization exercises will do a lot more for flattening your stomach than a crunch will ever do. If you are properly doing squats, deadlifts and other Olympic lifts you probably don't need to specifically work your abs. Pronation and "over-pronation" of the foot is bad - This is a normal and healthy function of the foot which refers to the multi-plane ankle joint action (everts, abducts and dorsiflexes) that accompanies lateral rotation of the knees and hips during the gait cycle. During a normal gait cycle the foot rolls inwards and the subtalar joint everts (the heel rotates slightly outwards), and the arch flattens with weight being transferred to the inside edge. This is pronation and the foot is very loose at this time. It is considered 'unlocked'.

Some over-pronation moments can be excessive but simply there is no criteria that actually defines it and no simple way of measuring the movement. You may pronate more than others but that doesn't mean its a bad thing because there are no studies that state controlling pronation leads to fewer injuries. Many athletic shoes are made with stiff medial posts which are designed to prevent pronation. In other words, many sneakers are made to prohibit the human foot from doing what it naturally is supposed to do.

Pilates, Yoga and Stretching lengthens muscle - Simple understanding of human physiology dictates that all muscle have a predetermined length. Muscles shorten when contracted and lengthen when relaxed... their respective insertions and origins don't change. Viscoelasticity may increase after hard stretching but this is only temporary. Static stretching will only increase your tolerance to the pain of the stretch - not actually change the length of the soft tissue.


Crunches will flatten the stomach - You can not spot reduce fat by exercising a specific area. Keto-T911 Review Situps and crunches cannot widdle away abdominal fat. In fact crunches put a lot of stress on the lumbar spine (about 674 lbs. of force) and may open you up for injury. Excess fat storage around your midline has more to do with hormonal imbalances and overall fitness than whether or not you can do a million crunches. There are better ways to train the abs then crunches.​Proper clean eating habits and core stabilization exercises will do a lot more for flattening your stomach than a crunch will ever do. If you are properly doing squats, deadlifts and other Olympic lifts you probably don't need to specifically work your abs. Pronation and "over-pronation" of the foot is bad - This is a normal and healthy function of the foot which refers to the multi-plane ankle joint action (everts, abducts and dorsiflexes) that accompanies lateral rotation of the knees and hips during the gait cycle. During a normal gait cycle the foot rolls inwards and the subtalar joint everts (the heel rotates slightly outwards), and the arch flattens with weight being transferred to the inside edge. This is pronation and the foot is very loose at this time. It is considered 'unlocked'.​Some over-pronation moments can be excessive but simply there is no criteria that actually defines it and no simple way of measuring the movement. You may pronate more than others but that doesn't mean its a bad thing because there are no studies that state controlling pronation leads to fewer injuries. Many athletic shoes are made with stiff medial posts which are designed to prevent pronation. In other words, many sneakers are made to prohibit the human foot from doing what it naturally is supposed to do.​Pilates, Yoga and Stretching lengthens muscle - Simple understanding of human physiology dictates that all muscle have a predetermined length. Muscles shorten when contracted and lengthen when relaxed... their respective insertions and origins don't change. Viscoelasticity may increase after hard stretching but this is only temporary. Static stretching will only increase your tolerance to the pain of the stretch - not actually change the length of the soft tissue.​http://bit.ly/2Gz5hLH https://ift.tt/eA8V8J http://bit.ly/2WcJaQt
