Summer's Eve Coconut Water Gel

Let's discuss. I started noticing last week during sex, i was kinda... ermm... drying up? I chalked it up to the new meds i was on ( trying a BC for hormonal imbalance - depression & anxiety ) but since.. my vagina (outter) just feels raw. its not puffy or inflamed. No smell. No discharge. Is red, but makes sense since its tender... but could not figure out what the problem was if not a yeast infection and upon closer inspection with a mirror, no tears or anything; just tender. Hurts to wipe when i pee or to the touch. Had not used the stuff in ab a week, but i just bought a new feminine wash just to try out a few days before the sex and left it at home for the week while i was gone. Just got out of tub. Used said wash just cause of the "pH balance" gimmick and it just dawned on me that perhaps this is the culprit? Maybe i am having a reaction to it? i would believe otherwise, but in the week that i was gone, even on my hardest working days, i had no odor down there, and inside of my vagina feels just fine. Has anyone else maybe had a similar experience with this? I'm not worried to the point of going to the doc yet - going to keep an eye on it and only wear 100% cotton panties and commando when i sleep to see if that helps as well as discontinue use of the wash until i figure this out but im not quite to defcon 5 yet. TIA

Let's discuss. I started noticing last week during sex, i was kinda... ermm... drying up? I chalked it up to the new meds i was on ( trying a BC for hormonal imbalance - depression & anxiety ) but since.. my vagina (outter) just feels raw. its not puffy or inflamed. No smell. No discharge. Is red, but makes sense since its tender... but could not figure out what the problem was if not a yeast infection and upon closer inspection with a mirror, no tears or anything; just tender. Hurts to wipe when i pee or to the touch. Had not used the stuff in ab a week, but i just bought a new feminine wash just to try out a few days before the sex and left it at home for the week while i was gone. Just got out of tub. Used said wash just cause of the "pH balance" gimmick and it just dawned on me that perhaps this is the culprit? Maybe i am having a reaction to it? i would believe otherwise, but in the week that i was gone, even on my hardest working days, i had no odor down there, and inside of my vagina feels just fine. Has anyone else maybe had a similar experience with this? I'm not worried to the point of going to the doc yet - going to keep an eye on it and only wear 100% cotton panties and commando when i sleep to see if that helps as well as discontinue use of the wash until i figure this out but im not quite to defcon 5 yet. TIA
