I don't know if I belong but...

I'm feeling major imposter syndrome because I was raised to doubt myself and my pain a lot growing up but recent events are feeling too real and too extreme.

So here's my story.

I'm a female in my mid 20s. Since before November 2018, I've been experiencing awful lower abdominal pain from below my navel to the top of my vulva. The whole area is tender (sore for hours if forcefully poked) and the pain shoots to my lower back and down my thighs to the knees. Physical labor or standing up for long periods of time is now nearly impossible without wincing or groaning loudly involuntarily. I'm now without a job due to being unable to perform simple lifting or bending. My apartment is currently a mess since I'm unable to clean without ending up writhing in pain in bed. Sometimes the pain comes at the worst times like waking up, getting out of a hot/cold shower, or in the middle of the night when I try to sleep. The past 2 days I had to take tylenol PM regularly just to knock myself out and even that doesn't outlast the "episode" of pain sometimes. It's left me exhausted and sleeping past 2pm.

After an ultrasound, blood, pap smear, and urine test they found no endometriosis and the fibroids and cysts they did find were too small to be considered the cause of my pain. I was diagnosed with a bacterial vaginal infection and given antibiotics. I took them accordingly and experienced little to no change in symptoms.

It isn't digestion/intestinal that I know of since I've done a cleanse and noticed no relief from gas or bowel movements.

I was told it could be a hormonal imbalance since my period was almost a month late (not pregnant and got it a while ago) and the doctor told me to take the birth control pills to regulate my cycle for the next 3 months and then see her again. This isn't cycle related cramps though. They happen constantly and spontaneously much to my dismay. When they're not happening I'm just anxious about what I can do before I get hit with another "episode".

If anyone has any similar experience to mine please share. I would also love advice on what I can do to possibly get any income with my limited capabilities.

I'm feeling major imposter syndrome because I was raised to doubt myself and my pain a lot growing up but recent events are feeling too real and too extreme.So here's my story.I'm a female in my mid 20s. Since before November 2018, I've been experiencing awful lower abdominal pain from below my navel to the top of my vulva. The whole area is tender (sore for hours if forcefully poked) and the pain shoots to my lower back and down my thighs to the knees. Physical labor or standing up for long periods of time is now nearly impossible without wincing or groaning loudly involuntarily. I'm now without a job due to being unable to perform simple lifting or bending. My apartment is currently a mess since I'm unable to clean without ending up writhing in pain in bed. Sometimes the pain comes at the worst times like waking up, getting out of a hot/cold shower, or in the middle of the night when I try to sleep. The past 2 days I had to take tylenol PM regularly just to knock myself out and even that doesn't outlast the "episode" of pain sometimes. It's left me exhausted and sleeping past 2pm.After an ultrasound, blood, pap smear, and urine test they found no endometriosis and the fibroids and cysts they did find were too small to be considered the cause of my pain. I was diagnosed with a bacterial vaginal infection and given antibiotics. I took them accordingly and experienced little to no change in symptoms.It isn't digestion/intestinal that I know of since I've done a cleanse and noticed no relief from gas or bowel movements.I was told it could be a hormonal imbalance since my period was almost a month late (not pregnant and got it a while ago) and the doctor told me to take the birth control pills to regulate my cycle for the next 3 months and then see her again. This isn't cycle related cramps though. They happen constantly and spontaneously much to my dismay. When they're not happening I'm just anxious about what I can do before I get hit with another "episode".If anyone has any similar experience to mine please share. I would also love advice on what I can do to possibly get any income with my limited capabilities. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J http://bit.ly/2Kbzz9g
