My med school friend told me that in med school they teach you that being transgender is a mental disorder. Has anyone else had this experience in school? [serious]

For the sake of making this question easy to write/answer, I am defining transgender as people who have sex organs that do not correspond to their personal identity/the typical genders society has established. I know it's a wide spectrum and that it can mean many different things to be transgender.

So my friend and I were having a discussion about transgender people and he told me that he learned in medical school that being transgender falls under a disorder found in the DSM-5. I can't remember what it was called... I think it had dysphoria in the name? But either way, I found it super interesting that medical school classifies it as a disorder, because in my sociology class in college, they taught us that being transgender was natural in a way that's similar to being gay/lesbian, because there have been instances of transgender people throughout history and across cultures. I think they cited the "two spirit" people found in Native American cultures.

From an evolutionary/biology perspective though, I can understand why this would be classified as a disorder. Because if humans are animals and our most basic purpose to continue to spread our genes by reproducing, transgenderism doesn't really make sense (I realize that this can be applied to more LGBTQ communities, but I think that's a whole other conversation, my friend and I were only talking about transpeople). Basically, my friend was telling me that these people have a hormonal imbalance, similar to how somebody who has bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, in a way.

Have other people learned this in medical school? I have zero experience in biology or anything medical, so I'm sorry if I

For the sake of making this question easy to write/answer, I am defining transgender as people who have sex organs that do not correspond to their personal identity/the typical genders society has established. I know it's a wide spectrum and that it can mean many different things to be transgender.So my friend and I were having a discussion about transgender people and he told me that he learned in medical school that being transgender falls under a disorder found in the DSM-5. I can't remember what it was called... I think it had dysphoria in the name? But either way, I found it super interesting that medical school classifies it as a disorder, because in my sociology class in college, they taught us that being transgender was natural in a way that's similar to being gay/lesbian, because there have been instances of transgender people throughout history and across cultures. I think they cited the "two spirit" people found in Native American cultures.From an evolutionary/biology perspective though, I can understand why this would be classified as a disorder. Because if humans are animals and our most basic purpose to continue to spread our genes by reproducing, transgenderism doesn't really make sense (I realize that this can be applied to more LGBTQ communities, but I think that's a whole other conversation, my friend and I were only talking about transpeople). Basically, my friend was telling me that these people have a hormonal imbalance, similar to how somebody who has bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, in a way.Have other people learned this in medical school? I have zero experience in biology or anything medical, so I'm sorry if I
