Questions about the surgery


I'm planning on having a surgery within the next weeks. Before that I'd like to ask the people who had surgery some questions:

  1. How dangerous is gyno surgery? I spoke to the surgeon and she said it's under general anesthesia, she'll only perform the gland removal as I don't have much fat around the gyno area, the surgery will last a little over an hour. She said (I'm pretty sure she's obligated to say) that every surgery is dangerous to life and if patients follow the pre-surgery guidelines (which I will) then the risk isn't that big. Has anyone died of gyno surgery? The thing I'm most scared about is the anesthesia as I have never been put down before and I'm afraid I'll have some unexpected reaction to it and die/never wake up. Can somebody shed some light on this?
  2. Should I visit endocrinologist? I have had gyno since 12, I'm 22 now. I'm pretty sure I got it due to hormonal imbalance during puberty, maybe because of the diet as well as I didn't really care what I ate. I'm afraid that once the surgery is done the gyno will comeback (as I'm pretty sure they don't remove the whole gland and leave some, otherwise there would be a dent in the chest area). What are the chances that 10 years later my hormones are still messed up? I saw mixed opinions on endocrinologists on this sub, some say it's a waste of money because they basically say "yeah, you had hormonal imbalance, that's why you have gyno", some say they are helpful.
  3. How many days should I recover before I go to work? I have an office job so nothing physical.

Thank you!

Hey,I'm planning on having a surgery within the next weeks. Before that I'd like to ask the people who had surgery some questions:How dangerous is gyno surgery? I spoke to the surgeon and she said it's under general anesthesia, she'll only perform the gland removal as I don't have much fat around the gyno area, the surgery will last a little over an hour. She said (I'm pretty sure she's obligated to say) that every surgery is dangerous to life and if patients follow the pre-surgery guidelines (which I will) then the risk isn't that big. Has anyone died of gyno surgery? The thing I'm most scared about is the anesthesia as I have never been put down before and I'm afraid I'll have some unexpected reaction to it and die/never wake up. Can somebody shed some light on this?Should I visit endocrinologist? I have had gyno since 12, I'm 22 now. I'm pretty sure I got it due to hormonal imbalance during puberty, maybe because of the diet as well as I didn't really care what I ate. I'm afraid that once the surgery is done the gyno will comeback (as I'm pretty sure they don't remove the whole gland and leave some, otherwise there would be a dent in the chest area). What are the chances that 10 years later my hormones are still messed up? I saw mixed opinions on endocrinologists on this sub, some say it's a waste of money because they basically say "yeah, you had hormonal imbalance, that's why you have gyno", some say they are helpful.How many days should I recover before I go to work? I have an office job so nothing physical.Thank you!
