Is there any way to naturally reduce testosterone levels as to stop hirsutism and whatnot? Or will Spironolactone and BC (Yazmin, for ex) help? Please... I’ve had enough.

I am at my wits end about my hirsutism and my skin issues. Even though it has yet to be diagnosed, I have been struggling with potential PCOS symptoms for the last few months (if not a couple years and I’m just now seeing its nightmare effects). One being hirsutism and it’s the absolute worst. It’s causing me so much anxiety.

My primary care doctor ran bloodwork in April, then again last month and a week ago for the purpose of checking my thyroid levels due to being on Levothyroxine since February. But by my request, she also tested my free testosterone level as well. Each time it was high. She told me that that explains my symptoms. However, since she’s not a GYN or an endocrinologist, my PCD told me that treatment and proper diagnosis will have to be done by one or both specialists. I understood but it’s causing me so much anxiety...and even though I AM seeing a GYN specialist next month (thank God) I’m on edge about everything.

I feel so ugly, and don’t even get me started on how much I hate hate HATE plucking, using a gentle touch facial razor or facial hair cream every two days. I swear, it’s getting to where I don’t want to leave my own house because Im that embarrassed and anxious that even though the hair doesn’t look horrible from far away, or I removed what I could, someone will notice.... My skin looks so dull, dry; it breaks out (I am using Differin Gel but, even before that, I had painful breakouts monthly) and it makes me so depressed.

Is there any way I can reduce my testosterone levels naturally? Or would medication such as Spironolactone and BC help more?

Please, I’m so desperate...๐Ÿ™

More about me: - I’m 24, 4’11”, 100 lbs (if it matters) - Location: New England, USA so the weather is humid in the summer and cold in the Fall and winter - Since I have been effected by these hormonal imbalance issues, as well as potential IBS, of which hit me hard last August, I sleep horribly. I’m lucky enough to get 8 hours. And even if I do by some chance, I wake up so exhausted and, then, midday I’m fatigued AF. Could this be the reason behind my hirsutism/high testosterone? Any advice would be so appreciated... - I exercise 4x a week per my pulmonologist’s request, and it makes me feel a lot better. Know some of you will say to lower down the fitness but - - My diet is maintained by a nutritionist, specifically because I am G tube fed, thus I don’t eat by mouth due to swallowing difficulties and having a trach. For that reason I can’t drink spearmint tea or whatever. - I’m in therapy, of whom I see bi-weekly (I would want to have it every week but his schedule doesn’t allow it). On my own I’m trying to figure out how to de stress...but I’m not sure where to start... What are y’all suggestions?

Thank you so much in advance ๐Ÿ’—

I am at my wits end about my hirsutism and my skin issues. Even though it has yet to be diagnosed, I have been struggling with potential PCOS symptoms for the last few months (if not a couple years and I’m just now seeing its nightmare effects). One being hirsutism and it’s the absolute worst. It’s causing me so much anxiety.My primary care doctor ran bloodwork in April, then again last month and a week ago for the purpose of checking my thyroid levels due to being on Levothyroxine since February. But by my request, she also tested my free testosterone level as well. Each time it was high. She told me that that explains my symptoms. However, since she’s not a GYN or an endocrinologist, my PCD told me that treatment and proper diagnosis will have to be done by one or both specialists. I understood but it’s causing me so much anxiety...and even though I AM seeing a GYN specialist next month (thank God) I’m on edge about everything.I feel so ugly, and don’t even get me started on how much I hate hate HATE plucking, using a gentle touch facial razor or facial hair cream every two days. I swear, it’s getting to where I don’t want to leave my own house because Im that embarrassed and anxious that even though the hair doesn’t look horrible from far away, or I removed what I could, someone will notice.... My skin looks so dull, dry; it breaks out (I am using Differin Gel but, even before that, I had painful breakouts monthly) and it makes me so depressed.Is there any way I can reduce my testosterone levels naturally? Or would medication such as Spironolactone and BC help more?Please, I’m so desperate...๐Ÿ™More about me: - I’m 24, 4’11”, 100 lbs (if it matters) - Location: New England, USA so the weather is humid in the summer and cold in the Fall and winter - Since I have been effected by these hormonal imbalance issues, as well as potential IBS, of which hit me hard last August, I sleep horribly. I’m lucky enough to get 8 hours. And even if I do by some chance, I wake up so exhausted and, then, midday I’m fatigued AF. Could this be the reason behind my hirsutism/high testosterone? Any advice would be so appreciated... - I exercise 4x a week per my pulmonologist’s request, and it makes me feel a lot better. Know some of you will say to lower down the fitness but - - My diet is maintained by a nutritionist, specifically because I am G tube fed, thus I don’t eat by mouth due to swallowing difficulties and having a trach. For that reason I can’t drink spearmint tea or whatever. - I’m in therapy, of whom I see bi-weekly (I would want to have it every week but his schedule doesn’t allow it). On my own I’m trying to figure out how to de stress...but I’m not sure where to start... What are y’all suggestions?Thank you so much in advance ๐Ÿ’—
