My friend has a tumour and I'm the only one that knows about it

Alright so let's call my friend m (F22). We met online 2 years ago and we've been close friends ever since. Keep in mind that we never met before because and I'm a shy person and I kinda had a crush on her and hated the way I looked so i wanted her to meet me when I felt better about myself. She did try to meet me but we live 100km away from each other. She's bi and got into a relationship with another friend of mine, they started dating a year ago and I did get a little bit hurt at first but I realised that it was probably for the best because they're both very mature and they were happy together. They broke up a few months ago and I noticed that M didn't talk to me like she used to. I tried my best to ask about her but she kept saying that she's busy with school and she's studying hard because she's going abroad this year. They broke up because the other friend told me that M started to be careless and started to distance herself from her. Today I was walking with a close friend of mine and we walked for hours about life and future goals and what I wanted to do with my life and how to be more confident. When I accompanied my friend home. M texted me asking about me and I suggested that she Could talk to me on the phone to make things easier. Keep in mind that I don't feel comfortable talking through the phone and I'm mostly with my family in a small apartment and I share my room with my brother, so I can't talk on the phone at home because I feel weird. She didn't believe me when I told her I'd call her and I did (I was outside and I felt more confident after my talk with my friend. I'm just shy and weird when talking to people who I love and want to impress btw). The first thing she asked was about her ex and I told her that she was doing okay (my friend told me that she already accepted the fact that they broke up and already has a crush on another girl), i didn't want to tell her about the other girl and just said that I think she moved on. She then told me that she had issues for a long time (she drank and took drugs and kinda changed) which I took notice and told her so. She replied saying that it's much more than that and that she has a tumour in addition to a hormonal imbalance. She told me that the doctor told her there's a 85% chance she won't have babies and that she didn't tell her parents or her ex that she had a tumour. I told her that I'll wait for her to finish her exams next week and then I'll meet her so we could talk about it. I want to make sure that she tells her ex what really happened in addition to her family. because I really think that it'd help her rather than harm her. Her ex thinks they broke up because she was acting like a bitch and didn't love her. Sorry for the long post and the mistakes but I just need help. I just want to be there for her and tell her the right things because she said it was serious and she wants to tell her parents about her illness when she goes abroad which will leave them even more hurt and the same thing goes for her ex. Sometimes telling the truth is better than kicking people out of your life and thinking that it'd be better that way. I promised her I won't tell her friends or parents about it but I'll meet her face to face for the first time and try to talk to her into telling the truth to them. I'll even try to tell her to stay at home because she'll at least have people who care for her in this country. She'll probably be alone and confused abroad and I don't want her to get hurt or make dumb decisions.

Alright so let's call my friend m (F22). We met online 2 years ago and we've been close friends ever since. Keep in mind that we never met before because and I'm a shy person and I kinda had a crush on her and hated the way I looked so i wanted her to meet me when I felt better about myself. She did try to meet me but we live 100km away from each other. She's bi and got into a relationship with another friend of mine, they started dating a year ago and I did get a little bit hurt at first but I realised that it was probably for the best because they're both very mature and they were happy together. They broke up a few months ago and I noticed that M didn't talk to me like she used to. I tried my best to ask about her but she kept saying that she's busy with school and she's studying hard because she's going abroad this year. They broke up because the other friend told me that M started to be careless and started to distance herself from her. Today I was walking with a close friend of mine and we walked for hours about life and future goals and what I wanted to do with my life and how to be more confident. When I accompanied my friend home. M texted me asking about me and I suggested that she Could talk to me on the phone to make things easier. Keep in mind that I don't feel comfortable talking through the phone and I'm mostly with my family in a small apartment and I share my room with my brother, so I can't talk on the phone at home because I feel weird. She didn't believe me when I told her I'd call her and I did (I was outside and I felt more confident after my talk with my friend. I'm just shy and weird when talking to people who I love and want to impress btw). The first thing she asked was about her ex and I told her that she was doing okay (my friend told me that she already accepted the fact that they broke up and already has a crush on another girl), i didn't want to tell her about the other girl and just said that I think she moved on. She then told me that she had issues for a long time (she drank and took drugs and kinda changed) which I took notice and told her so. She replied saying that it's much more than that and that she has a tumour in addition to a hormonal imbalance. She told me that the doctor told her there's a 85% chance she won't have babies and that she didn't tell her parents or her ex that she had a tumour. I told her that I'll wait for her to finish her exams next week and then I'll meet her so we could talk about it. I want to make sure that she tells her ex what really happened in addition to her family. because I really think that it'd help her rather than harm her. Her ex thinks they broke up because she was acting like a bitch and didn't love her. Sorry for the long post and the mistakes but I just need help. I just want to be there for her and tell her the right things because she said it was serious and she wants to tell her parents about her illness when she goes abroad which will leave them even more hurt and the same thing goes for her ex. Sometimes telling the truth is better than kicking people out of your life and thinking that it'd be better that way. I promised her I won't tell her friends or parents about it but I'll meet her face to face for the first time and try to talk to her into telling the truth to them. I'll even try to tell her to stay at home because she'll at least have people who care for her in this country. She'll probably be alone and confused abroad and I don't want her to get hurt or make dumb decisions.
