Rough road ahead

After my wife of 5 years decided we may need a break because she was so confused about loving me she turned around slept with a guy and kicked me to the curb.

Now I have been nothing but devoted to her, moved cities, quit my job and became a stay at home dad and even during our in house separation over the last few weeks i still comforted her, gave her massages and ran her baths and let her nap, as she suffers from hyperthyroidism and is usually fatigued and suffers brain fog and emotional lability, she also had a blood test for hormonal imbalance that she will get the results Wednesday.

I have two step children and two of my own with her, I’ve had to up and leave them all. I feel like she is chasing that new love feeling and blinded by the attention of this new guy, I also feel she slept with him to really cement her decision and kind of force it.

I have 0 income but have filled my forms out to receive benefits, I’m declaring bankruptcy as my debts are a weight I would rather erase at this time so I can focus more on myself and a future.

We were due to move into a new house next weekend and she messaged me to ask if I could take the kids while she moved. I didn’t respond, and I won’t. I’m taking a week of no contact, I know she will probably start telling me I’m punishing the kids but I just need to sort myself.

I told her that I still love her and it is something we can work through if she comes to the realisation that it was all smoke and mirrors due to her mental state.

I feel as if I’m being very fair and reasonable. But this is the hardest moment in my life.

I’m hoping that she realises just what we had (during our in house separation we had moments, them little connections and she admitted she felt them but didn’t know if they were enough).

I may just be foolishly hanging onto hope.

After my wife of 5 years decided we may need a break because she was so confused about loving me she turned around slept with a guy and kicked me to the curb.Now I have been nothing but devoted to her, moved cities, quit my job and became a stay at home dad and even during our in house separation over the last few weeks i still comforted her, gave her massages and ran her baths and let her nap, as she suffers from hyperthyroidism and is usually fatigued and suffers brain fog and emotional lability, she also had a blood test for hormonal imbalance that she will get the results Wednesday.I have two step children and two of my own with her, I’ve had to up and leave them all. I feel like she is chasing that new love feeling and blinded by the attention of this new guy, I also feel she slept with him to really cement her decision and kind of force it.I have 0 income but have filled my forms out to receive benefits, I’m declaring bankruptcy as my debts are a weight I would rather erase at this time so I can focus more on myself and a future.We were due to move into a new house next weekend and she messaged me to ask if I could take the kids while she moved. I didn’t respond, and I won’t. I’m taking a week of no contact, I know she will probably start telling me I’m punishing the kids but I just need to sort myself.I told her that I still love her and it is something we can work through if she comes to the realisation that it was all smoke and mirrors due to her mental state.I feel as if I’m being very fair and reasonable. But this is the hardest moment in my life.I’m hoping that she realises just what we had (during our in house separation we had moments, them little connections and she admitted she felt them but didn’t know if they were enough).I may just be foolishly hanging onto hope.
