What am I doing wrong?

I need some advice now. I started carnivore diet few months ago because I felt like I was having histamine reactions from most of the food that I was eating. I have been keto, raw vegan, paleo, IIFYM, basically everything, in the past. I’ve always been super obsessed about exercising and slim body and measuring my food.

Prior to carnivore diet, I was raw vegan, which eventually made me feel so weak and skinny that I stopped it and introduced normal foods to my diet. Meat, fish, vegetables and some rice and potatoes. However, I got inflammation and histamine reactions from everything and eventually I found carnivore diet which I decided to give a try.

Some things improved, like I don’t have blood in stool anymore, my skin is really good and I feel stronger.

However, I have gained jiggly fat for over 10 lbs which is really mentally affecting me. Also, I have been extremely tired every single day, and really depressed and anxious. I also still have slight candida overgrowth.

The depression is something that has been really bothering me lately. I have absolutely no willingness to do anything and I’m so damn sad every day that I start to cry all of a sudden. Small things irritate me so much and I have became so unsocial. I know this can be the case in transition period, but I think it’s not that anymore.

The depression might be mental from the feeling that I’ve been failing on this diet, because everyone else emphasize how magical it has been for their health and how they got skinny and lean so easily. And with that assumption in my mind, I have became severely depressed because I’ve failed and gained a lot of fat. How the hell I stop this fat gain now?

I’ve tried everything. I have removed all the inflammatory foods that are high in omega6 (chicken, dairy, turkey and eggs) and I only eat beef and salt and water. My typical daily meal is 1-2lbs ribeye steak/chuck steak/flank steak/flap meat or iron steak. Every once in a while I have raw wild fish like tuna or whole sardines and I eat them from nose to tail. I also have raw beef liver once a week. Sometimes I add butter too but not much. I eat once a day so I automatically fast 24 hours. My daily calories are something like 1300 to 1800 kcal. I’m 5’4 and female. People say exercise more and fast more but I’ve also tried that. My whole life I’ve been exercising so obsessively and it actually even made me gain more weight. Now I’ve stopped exercising for a while to see if that would help to balance my hormonal imbalance. That hasn’t helped.

I’ve added more fat, and tried more protein lower fat, high fat low protein, and yet I keep getting more sad and depressed every day, and keep gaining fat.

What am I doing wrong now? It’s crazy how depressed I’ve been, I’ve never been this depressed- not even in a vegan diet. And this diet was supposed to cure the depression.

The fat gain has affected me a lot mentally because I feel like an absolute failure with this way of eating, because “everyone else is succeeding so well”, and I’m not. I also keep wondering if my gut microbiome is bad now as I know bad gut microbiome affects mental health. Could something feed my bad gut microbiome?

I wanted so bad to succeed in this diet, and now I’m questioning it because of all that. If someone could help me what on earth I should do? The level of depression and sadness is unbearable. And I’m so tired all the time. This is not me, I have always been happy and energetic person, and I’ve became so opposite. Sad, down and unsocial and isolated. What’s going on with my fat gain and depression?

I need some advice now. I started carnivore diet few months ago because I felt like I was having histamine reactions from most of the food that I was eating. I have been keto, raw vegan, paleo, IIFYM, basically everything, in the past. I’ve always been super obsessed about exercising and slim body and measuring my food.Prior to carnivore diet, I was raw vegan, which eventually made me feel so weak and skinny that I stopped it and introduced normal foods to my diet. Meat, fish, vegetables and some rice and potatoes. However, I got inflammation and histamine reactions from everything and eventually I found carnivore diet which I decided to give a try.Some things improved, like I don’t have blood in stool anymore, my skin is really good and I feel stronger.However, I have gained jiggly fat for over 10 lbs which is really mentally affecting me. Also, I have been extremely tired every single day, and really depressed and anxious. I also still have slight candida overgrowth.The depression is something that has been really bothering me lately. I have absolutely no willingness to do anything and I’m so damn sad every day that I start to cry all of a sudden. Small things irritate me so much and I have became so unsocial. I know this can be the case in transition period, but I think it’s not that anymore.The depression might be mental from the feeling that I’ve been failing on this diet, because everyone else emphasize how magical it has been for their health and how they got skinny and lean so easily. And with that assumption in my mind, I have became severely depressed because I’ve failed and gained a lot of fat. How the hell I stop this fat gain now?I’ve tried everything. I have removed all the inflammatory foods that are high in omega6 (chicken, dairy, turkey and eggs) and I only eat beef and salt and water. My typical daily meal is 1-2lbs ribeye steak/chuck steak/flank steak/flap meat or iron steak. Every once in a while I have raw wild fish like tuna or whole sardines and I eat them from nose to tail. I also have raw beef liver once a week. Sometimes I add butter too but not much. I eat once a day so I automatically fast 24 hours. My daily calories are something like 1300 to 1800 kcal. I’m 5’4 and female. People say exercise more and fast more but I’ve also tried that. My whole life I’ve been exercising so obsessively and it actually even made me gain more weight. Now I’ve stopped exercising for a while to see if that would help to balance my hormonal imbalance. That hasn’t helped.I’ve added more fat, and tried more protein lower fat, high fat low protein, and yet I keep getting more sad and depressed every day, and keep gaining fat.What am I doing wrong now? It’s crazy how depressed I’ve been, I’ve never been this depressed- not even in a vegan diet. And this diet was supposed to cure the depression.The fat gain has affected me a lot mentally because I feel like an absolute failure with this way of eating, because “everyone else is succeeding so well”, and I’m not. I also keep wondering if my gut microbiome is bad now as I know bad gut microbiome affects mental health. Could something feed my bad gut microbiome?I wanted so bad to succeed in this diet, and now I’m questioning it because of all that. If someone could help me what on earth I should do? The level of depression and sadness is unbearable. And I’m so tired all the time. This is not me, I have always been happy and energetic person, and I’ve became so opposite. Sad, down and unsocial and isolated. What’s going on with my fat gain and depression? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/321uTcG
