Is spaying and neutering mandatory?

I want a cat but I do not want to spay or neuter them. We haven't spayed my female dog either. I think its unnesscary and inhumane to put them through a surgery and to cause hormonal imbalances. I know Reddit will probably want to jump down my throat but it's our decision.

Do local or state level governments require this? If I take my pet in for vaccines are they going to require that I spay/neuter them?

I want a cat but I do not want to spay or neuter them. We haven't spayed my female dog either. I think its unnesscary and inhumane to put them through a surgery and to cause hormonal imbalances. I know Reddit will probably want to jump down my throat but it's our decision.Do local or state level governments require this? If I take my pet in for vaccines are they going to require that I spay/neuter them?
