Using semen retention to enhance surgery recovery

I recently got surgery for gynecomastia I had since puberty. For anyone who doesn't know, it is the growth of breast tissue that happens in many males during puberty because of hormonal imbalances. For many it resolves on its own, but mine stuck around.

I am a bodybuilder and my gynecomastia was always the only thing holding me back because it made my chest appear much fattier and less attractive. I have finally gotten surgery for it and thanks to semen retention, even though I cannot workout for 2 weeks, I can feel my body healing fast and retaining my muscle. It has been a week and I still look pumped up as ever with no decrease in muscle size or definition. The incisions are healing fast and my chest is already beginning to look almost fully healed already! I love this practice, it truly is the solution to every ailment.

I recently got surgery for gynecomastia I had since puberty. For anyone who doesn't know, it is the growth of breast tissue that happens in many males during puberty because of hormonal imbalances. For many it resolves on its own, but mine stuck around.I am a bodybuilder and my gynecomastia was always the only thing holding me back because it made my chest appear much fattier and less attractive. I have finally gotten surgery for it and thanks to semen retention, even though I cannot workout for 2 weeks, I can feel my body healing fast and retaining my muscle. It has been a week and I still look pumped up as ever with no decrease in muscle size or definition. The incisions are healing fast and my chest is already beginning to look almost fully healed already! I love this practice, it truly is the solution to every ailment.
