Changes in sex drive after breastfeeding

My (25M) wife (23F) stopped breastfeeding our son around a year ago and feels that at this point her sex drive dropped massively. Recently she has been feeling down about the loss of intimacy in our relationship, because she currently isn't feeling any desire to be sexual in any way.

We have discussed the possibility of it being a hormonal change/imbalance. After the breastfeeding stopped. Has anybody been through this same experience? Any advice beyond seeing a doctor to discuss this possibility?

My (25M) wife (23F) stopped breastfeeding our son around a year ago and feels that at this point her sex drive dropped massively. Recently she has been feeling down about the loss of intimacy in our relationship, because she currently isn't feeling any desire to be sexual in any way.We have discussed the possibility of it being a hormonal change/imbalance. After the breastfeeding stopped. Has anybody been through this same experience? Any advice beyond seeing a doctor to discuss this possibility?
