Don't give up and keep searching for answers!

I wanted to share my story here in the hopes that it might help some of you, too.

I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with doctors not being really sure what's going on, and suggesting some not so helpful things. I've seen a variety of doctors over the years and their advice has ranged from "pray about it" to "just relax and have a glass of wine." I felt so much unnecessary guilt and shame since doctors were frustrated I wasn't relaxing enough, or had some other idea it was all in my head. I even went to physical therapy for nine months, but the pain remained.

Yesterday, I saw a doctor that specializes in sexual health. Not a gyno. Turns out, my pain at the opening is common and can be due to a hormonal imbalance. She says that's the cause for 80-90% of the patients she sees, but not many primary doctors or gynos realize that's the problem.

Of course the pain wasn't in my head. In my gut I knew that and kept searching for answers. You may or may not have the issue I have, but keep searching for a doctor that specializes in sexual pain and knows what to look for. I can assure you these issues are NOT just in our heads. And we're not less than.

Hang in there and don't give up!

I wanted to share my story here in the hopes that it might help some of you, too.I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with doctors not being really sure what's going on, and suggesting some not so helpful things. I've seen a variety of doctors over the years and their advice has ranged from "pray about it" to "just relax and have a glass of wine." I felt so much unnecessary guilt and shame since doctors were frustrated I wasn't relaxing enough, or had some other idea it was all in my head. I even went to physical therapy for nine months, but the pain remained.Yesterday, I saw a doctor that specializes in sexual health. Not a gyno. Turns out, my pain at the opening is common and can be due to a hormonal imbalance. She says that's the cause for 80-90% of the patients she sees, but not many primary doctors or gynos realize that's the problem.Of course the pain wasn't in my head. In my gut I knew that and kept searching for answers. You may or may not have the issue I have, but keep searching for a doctor that specializes in sexual pain and knows what to look for. I can assure you these issues are NOT just in our heads. And we're not less than.Hang in there and don't give up!
