Memory problems, bad at socializing

I am 19 years old and my memory has gone downhill. I know it shouldn’t be like this at my age and it scares me to think of what the future will be like with it being like this. I forget most things I learn and experience, for example:

  • I forget what the plot of a books I read about only a week after reading them.
  • When people ask me about my experiences in life (what concerts have you been to recently? What was the most embarrassing moment you’ve had?, etc.) I have to think REALLY hard before I can answer.
  • I don’t remember much from elementary all the way through Jr High, and only tid bits of high school.
  • I often can’t remember what I do in the past days/weeks/months.

I have realized that having a bad memory makes socializing difficult. I can’t recall things I’ve learned or experiences I’ve had so I often contribute little to nothing because I can’t recall information. I feel ridiculously stupid when I DO talk because I stutter from trying to remember. I feel like at this point my existence is pointless when I don’t have much to contribute

There are a few reasons why it could be this way, and those include:

-8 months ago my ex broke up with me, and they were the first person I’ve ever loved. I had just started birth control and the hormonal imbalance + the breakup caused me to cry for hours on end. During this breakup I drank and smoked dab, but it was not extremely often. I think in total I was high 5 times during that period, and drunk about the same. I was very depressed for 6 of those 8 months and have not felt completely the same since - about 1 and a half years ago I was in a huge car accident where I got a concussion and became very depressed for a few months as a result

I have tried to talk to friends and family about it but they don’t think it is a big deal. They say “your brain is still growing, give it time”, but I am 19 years old and there are 15 year olds who have impeccable memories!! My friend literally said they do not believe that my memory is bad and believe I am making it all up to “prove a point” but there is no point to be proven. I am so sick of it and I am not sure what to do, please help :(

I am 19 years old and my memory has gone downhill. I know it shouldn’t be like this at my age and it scares me to think of what the future will be like with it being like this. I forget most things I learn and experience, for example:I forget what the plot of a books I read about only a week after reading them.When people ask me about my experiences in life (what concerts have you been to recently? What was the most embarrassing moment you’ve had?, etc.) I have to think REALLY hard before I can answer.I don’t remember much from elementary all the way through Jr High, and only tid bits of high school.I often can’t remember what I do in the past days/weeks/months.I have realized that having a bad memory makes socializing difficult. I can’t recall things I’ve learned or experiences I’ve had so I often contribute little to nothing because I can’t recall information. I feel ridiculously stupid when I DO talk because I stutter from trying to remember. I feel like at this point my existence is pointless when I don’t have much to contributeThere are a few reasons why it could be this way, and those include:-8 months ago my ex broke up with me, and they were the first person I’ve ever loved. I had just started birth control and the hormonal imbalance + the breakup caused me to cry for hours on end. During this breakup I drank and smoked dab, but it was not extremely often. I think in total I was high 5 times during that period, and drunk about the same. I was very depressed for 6 of those 8 months and have not felt completely the same since - about 1 and a half years ago I was in a huge car accident where I got a concussion and became very depressed for a few months as a resultI have tried to talk to friends and family about it but they don’t think it is a big deal. They say “your brain is still growing, give it time”, but I am 19 years old and there are 15 year olds who have impeccable memories!! My friend literally said they do not believe that my memory is bad and believe I am making it all up to “prove a point” but there is no point to be proven. I am so sick of it and I am not sure what to do, please help :(
