Periods and PCOS and maybe Thyroid??

I met my Obgyn today since I havent had my periods for a while. And he just wanted me to go on a birth control. I refused to go on the birth control and then he suggested taking the 10 day Progesterone to induce a period. He said its ok if I have my period just once in 3 months since I have PCOS. And to not worry about it. I asked him if he could recommend me to an endocrinologist since I have also been taking Levothyroxine for boderline hypothyroid. And I wasnt sure I even have it- since earlier we started taking Thyroid to help me conceive. Now since I am not trying to conceive I dont know why I should be taking it unless I have to. He said we can stop the thyroid for a month and do a TSH test again but that there was no need to see an endocrinologist.

I am just confused and weirded out since I feel we are not treating my hormonal imbalance. And just inducing periods when we have to. I even mentioned Myositol to him and he asked me to not bother with it. On this sub I see just about everyone mentioning Myositol. I have had PCOS for more than 10 years now. Why is this the first time I am hearing about Myositol? I have never been to an endocrinologist. Though I have been a regular at my Obgyn. I am very confused.

I met my Obgyn today since I havent had my periods for a while. And he just wanted me to go on a birth control. I refused to go on the birth control and then he suggested taking the 10 day Progesterone to induce a period. He said its ok if I have my period just once in 3 months since I have PCOS. And to not worry about it. I asked him if he could recommend me to an endocrinologist since I have also been taking Levothyroxine for boderline hypothyroid. And I wasnt sure I even have it- since earlier we started taking Thyroid to help me conceive. Now since I am not trying to conceive I dont know why I should be taking it unless I have to. He said we can stop the thyroid for a month and do a TSH test again but that there was no need to see an endocrinologist.I am just confused and weirded out since I feel we are not treating my hormonal imbalance. And just inducing periods when we have to. I even mentioned Myositol to him and he asked me to not bother with it. On this sub I see just about everyone mentioning Myositol. I have had PCOS for more than 10 years now. Why is this the first time I am hearing about Myositol? I have never been to an endocrinologist. Though I have been a regular at my Obgyn. I am very confused.
