Im a 32 yr old female. My very first crush was my best friend (girl) in elementary, I liked her eyes, smile, hair, she was the coolest! Then I developed a crush on a boy, dated another girl in junior high (never kissed or had sex) I was kinda curious. Then I started dating guys and have been since, my relationships don’t last for more than 2 years, I find myself getting bored per say, I usually can go for long (very long) periods of time without having sexual urges between relationships, and by the time I start a relationship my libido “accumulates” and I have a lot of sex, then shortly after my libido dies down again, I’ll start distancing myself from my boyfriend, and I want to be single again, I no longer have libido but the weird thing is my mind fantasizes about me being a gay guy? I know it doesn’t make sense I don’t understand myself either, I have always been a tomboy but recently I have been dressing more femenine, Wearing make up and lashes (I love it) but there is times where I feel like I wish I was a gay guy? And I dress more tomboy-ish, even one of my co workers one day told me I was walking sexy like a lady (one day I was wearing full make up and cute clothes) and then a few days later he told me I was walking like a man (I was feeling kinda masculine that day, I was wearing flannel) , could this be multiple personalities ? Bipolar disorder? Hormonal imbalance ? Or I’m just sexually confused ? There is times where I don’t find neither males or females attractive, and I don’t desire to have a partner at all, don’t want to be romantically / emotionally involved, but then I feel like I just need sex ? For like a week straight then nothing for like a year, and even my body needs to “recharge” to be able to have an orgasm, I can’t orgasm if I have frequent sex for longer periods of time. I have been to a couple therapists, no help till now, not desperate anymore I just trying to see if there is maybe an unknown sexual orientation I haven’t heard that I can somehow identify myself, or maybe understand myself a bit more. Any ideas?

Im a 32 yr old female. My very first crush was my best friend (girl) in elementary, I liked her eyes, smile, hair, she was the coolest! Then I developed a crush on a boy, dated another girl in junior high (never kissed or had sex) I was kinda curious. Then I started dating guys and have been since, my relationships don’t last for more than 2 years, I find myself getting bored per say, I usually can go for long (very long) periods of time without having sexual urges between relationships, and by the time I start a relationship my libido “accumulates” and I have a lot of sex, then shortly after my libido dies down again, I’ll start distancing myself from my boyfriend, and I want to be single again, I no longer have libido but the weird thing is my mind fantasizes about me being a gay guy? I know it doesn’t make sense I don’t understand myself either, I have always been a tomboy but recently I have been dressing more femenine, Wearing make up and lashes (I love it) but there is times where I feel like I wish I was a gay guy? And I dress more tomboy-ish, even one of my co workers one day told me I was walking sexy like a lady (one day I was wearing full make up and cute clothes) and then a few days later he told me I was walking like a man (I was feeling kinda masculine that day, I was wearing flannel) , could this be multiple personalities ? Bipolar disorder? Hormonal imbalance ? Or I’m just sexually confused ? There is times where I don’t find neither males or females attractive, and I don’t desire to have a partner at all, don’t want to be romantically / emotionally involved, but then I feel like I just need sex ? For like a week straight then nothing for like a year, and even my body needs to “recharge” to be able to have an orgasm, I can’t orgasm if I have frequent sex for longer periods of time. I have been to a couple therapists, no help till now, not desperate anymore I just trying to see if there is maybe an unknown sexual orientation I haven’t heard that I can somehow identify myself, or maybe understand myself a bit more. Any ideas?
