HELP! My(18M) Girlfriend (18F) did not have her period but we did not have sex.

Me and my gf have been together for over a year now, we have engaged in sexual activities but we both agreed to not have sex until we were out of our parents houses on our own. Recently we both got scared as she did not have her period this month, I know other factors can cause it such as hormonal imbalance and stress. She isn't the type to do it with anyone else either, so that's not a possibility. If the pregnancy test comes back positive, she said she would have to break up with me as her parents are already not too fond of me. This month was probably the most stressful month for her as well, so I'm hoping it's stress that caused this missed period. I honestly do not know what to do at this point and need help :/

Me and my gf have been together for over a year now, we have engaged in sexual activities but we both agreed to not have sex until we were out of our parents houses on our own. Recently we both got scared as she did not have her period this month, I know other factors can cause it such as hormonal imbalance and stress. She isn't the type to do it with anyone else either, so that's not a possibility. If the pregnancy test comes back positive, she said she would have to break up with me as her parents are already not too fond of me. This month was probably the most stressful month for her as well, so I'm hoping it's stress that caused this missed period. I honestly do not know what to do at this point and need help :/
