[research] Why Do I Keep Getting Skin Tags?

I have been getting an explosion of skin tags over the past 1-2 years and, frankly, I'm stumped.

I've been checking out some posts about skin tags on this subreddit and someone mentioned that changes in hormones or blood sugar level could cause their formation. That would seem like a good fit. I've had other seemingly hormonal imbalance symptoms for women (eg-hot flashes, irregular periods, facial hair, and weight gain). The wacky thing is: I've repeatedly had blood work done and my results are constant. Everything is on the normal end of fine. My blood sugar is fine, too.

Someone else mentioned something about friction? That might be another reason, but is that really how skin tags occur? I sleep on the right side of my face bc I'm half-deaf and, well, silence while sleeping is nice sometimes. That could explain away those on my neck, underarms, and midsection, too. The only issue with that theory is that these are the only areas I'm getting them. If it was friction that caused these, why are they absent from my thighs, general groin region, back, or under-breasts?

I've changed up my skin care rotine--thanks to this subreddit--and my skin is mostly better for it aside from the skin tag issue. I'm going to try several of the previously posted suggestions for removal, but I'm really trying to understand why this phenomenon happens so I can get past my own discomfort and possibly prevent more from appearing.

TIA for any info/ideas you can provide! I'm really trying to avoid unnecessary doctor's appointments bc healthcare is expensive!

I have been getting an explosion of skin tags over the past 1-2 years and, frankly, I'm stumped.I've been checking out some posts about skin tags on this subreddit and someone mentioned that changes in hormones or blood sugar level could cause their formation. That would seem like a good fit. I've had other seemingly hormonal imbalance symptoms for women (eg-hot flashes, irregular periods, facial hair, and weight gain). The wacky thing is: I've repeatedly had blood work done and my results are constant. Everything is on the normal end of fine. My blood sugar is fine, too.Someone else mentioned something about friction? That might be another reason, but is that really how skin tags occur? I sleep on the right side of my face bc I'm half-deaf and, well, silence while sleeping is nice sometimes. That could explain away those on my neck, underarms, and midsection, too. The only issue with that theory is that these are the only areas I'm getting them. If it was friction that caused these, why are they absent from my thighs, general groin region, back, or under-breasts?I've changed up my skin care rotine--thanks to this subreddit--and my skin is mostly better for it aside from the skin tag issue. I'm going to try several of the previously posted suggestions for removal, but I'm really trying to understand why this phenomenon happens so I can get past my own discomfort and possibly prevent more from appearing.TIA for any info/ideas you can provide! I'm really trying to avoid unnecessary doctor's appointments bc healthcare is expensive! https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2nMbI7a
