[Skin Concern] Scars more prominent some days than others

I am a 22F who has struggled with moderate acne and hormonal imbalances since puberty. I have moderate scarring on cheek bones and T-zone. Recently changed birth controls and am seeing a decrease in acne.

Now I understand scarring would have to be addressed with a dermatologist, but is there any suggestions for texture improvement? It seems that if my skin is too oily or too dry my scars and dark spots are very prominent and blackheads are numerous, but if I am somewhere inbetween, they appear very minimal.

In the morning I alternate St. Ives nonmedicated exfoliant and witch hazel and apply CeraVe after. In the evening I use 10% Benzoyl Peroxide and Olay night cream. Occasionally I will introduce collagen or vitamin C.

Definitely not the best and I am open to ideas, but the benzoyl peroxide has been a lifesaver. I used to obsess because nothing I tried ever gave me relief, but now with some of the active acne managed, I would like to work on texture. I think it is just refining my moisturizes, morning routine, and maybe introducing masks.

I am a 22F who has struggled with moderate acne and hormonal imbalances since puberty. I have moderate scarring on cheek bones and T-zone. Recently changed birth controls and am seeing a decrease in acne.Now I understand scarring would have to be addressed with a dermatologist, but is there any suggestions for texture improvement? It seems that if my skin is too oily or too dry my scars and dark spots are very prominent and blackheads are numerous, but if I am somewhere inbetween, they appear very minimal.In the morning I alternate St. Ives nonmedicated exfoliant and witch hazel and apply CeraVe after. In the evening I use 10% Benzoyl Peroxide and Olay night cream. Occasionally I will introduce collagen or vitamin C.Definitely not the best and I am open to ideas, but the benzoyl peroxide has been a lifesaver. I used to obsess because nothing I tried ever gave me relief, but now with some of the active acne managed, I would like to work on texture. I think it is just refining my moisturizes, morning routine, and maybe introducing masks. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2mZ5AIa
