[Acne] Am i the only one that breaks out during my ovulation & period? Doctor says there’s no chance in me having hormonal imbalance because i’m TOO YOUNG?!

I’ve noticed that i seem to always break out around the time that i’m ovulating & before/after my period cycle. My doctor refuses to believe that i have a hormonal imbalance because he says i’m too young! I’m 21. i’m pretty sure a lot of other women my age have a hormonal imbalance. Anyways, any tips on how to handle these pimples? i always get them on my chin and jaw line. Ugh he just completely shot my thought down and diagnosed me with cystic acne vulgaris. He put me on BP GEL 5% and TRETINOIN CREAM 0.1%.

I’ve noticed that i seem to always break out around the time that i’m ovulating & before/after my period cycle. My doctor refuses to believe that i have a hormonal imbalance because he says i’m too young! I’m 21. i’m pretty sure a lot of other women my age have a hormonal imbalance. Anyways, any tips on how to handle these pimples? i always get them on my chin and jaw line. Ugh he just completely shot my thought down and diagnosed me with cystic acne vulgaris. He put me on BP GEL 5% and TRETINOIN CREAM 0.1%. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/31TKOIF
