Anyone go through these phases?

  1. The classic 'it's just a phase' phase. I'm having trouble with this one, especially since I'm in my teen years. It opens up a lot of questions like 'what if it's just a hormone imbalance? or some tomboy thing that most girls go theough?'. Also I know, if it is a phase it's ok because that's life, but yeah I truly don't believe it is but being someone with anxiety makes me question everything (and hey I was sure I'd never get over my fear of heights but now I wanna be a pilot, so anything's possible)

  2. The 'I don't feel like a man because men are supposed to feel all toxicly masculine constantly' phase. This has been more recent. Social media seem to be painting men as these big bad people who are constantly scheming against women and doing horrible things. Feminism has reached an all time high. So even though I know most of it is a load of BS, some of it has rubbed off on me. Partnered with my imposter syndrome, this makes for a terrible way to spend hours obsessing over the question of if a man thinks or feels differently in their head than women, and which category I fit into.

So, if you've had any of these, how did you deal with them? comments would be appreciated, thanks in advance :)

The classic 'it's just a phase' phase. I'm having trouble with this one, especially since I'm in my teen years. It opens up a lot of questions like 'what if it's just a hormone imbalance? or some tomboy thing that most girls go theough?'. Also I know, if it is a phase it's ok because that's life, but yeah I truly don't believe it is but being someone with anxiety makes me question everything (and hey I was sure I'd never get over my fear of heights but now I wanna be a pilot, so anything's possible)The 'I don't feel like a man because men are supposed to feel all toxicly masculine constantly' phase. This has been more recent. Social media seem to be painting men as these big bad people who are constantly scheming against women and doing horrible things. Feminism has reached an all time high. So even though I know most of it is a load of BS, some of it has rubbed off on me. Partnered with my imposter syndrome, this makes for a terrible way to spend hours obsessing over the question of if a man thinks or feels differently in their head than women, and which category I fit into.So, if you've had any of these, how did you deal with them? comments would be appreciated, thanks in advance :)
