Sudden increased female facial hair. Medication side effect?

27 year old female, 120 lbs 5'4.

2 days ago I noticed that I suddenly have much more 'peach fuzz' on my jaw line below my ears, some on my chin, and a bit on my chest. It is very thin, light colored hair.

I'm currently using 2% ketoconazole shampoo twice a month for seborrheic dermatitis, currently been using this for 1 year. Metronidazole 0.75 topical cream only on my chin for suspected perioral dermatitis, started this 2 weeks ago. The only other medication is oral birth control, Nortrel 1/35, which I have taken for 10 years. I was just diagnosed with HPV with mild cervical dysplasia, I will be undergoing laser surgery soon for treatment. No other medications/issues.

I'm aware that typically female hair growth is only indicative of a hormonal imbalance or issue if it's dark, thick hair. However, it's really bothering me to see such an increase in the amount of hair in a short period of time. Could this be a side effect of any of the medication I'm taking?

27 year old female, 120 lbs 5'4.2 days ago I noticed that I suddenly have much more 'peach fuzz' on my jaw line below my ears, some on my chin, and a bit on my chest. It is very thin, light colored hair.I'm currently using 2% ketoconazole shampoo twice a month for seborrheic dermatitis, currently been using this for 1 year. Metronidazole 0.75 topical cream only on my chin for suspected perioral dermatitis, started this 2 weeks ago. The only other medication is oral birth control, Nortrel 1/35, which I have taken for 10 years. I was just diagnosed with HPV with mild cervical dysplasia, I will be undergoing laser surgery soon for treatment. No other medications/issues.I'm aware that typically female hair growth is only indicative of a hormonal imbalance or issue if it's dark, thick hair. However, it's really bothering me to see such an increase in the amount of hair in a short period of time. Could this be a side effect of any of the medication I'm taking?
