Great success with keto in the past. Gained it all back and more with Mirena :( Excited to get rid of this thing 🙏

The first time I did keto I felt great!! Then I went on the Mirena, a series of traumas happened, and I got divorced. I’ve since gone even stricter on keto and worked out religiously only to find the scale not budging.

Last month I was so tired I stopped doing keto and every last pound came back.

It wasn’t until someone here mentioned hormone imbalance that a light bulb went off for me. My boobs constantly hurt. I bleed forever (seriously, I’ve had a period for going 3 months now) and my boyfriend says I complain nonstop about cramps on the Mirena.

I have an appointment to get it removed, next week, and I cannot wait 🙌🙌🙌 I am hoping my body readjusts post Mirena and the weight will finally come off again.

The first time I did keto I felt great!! Then I went on the Mirena, a series of traumas happened, and I got divorced. I’ve since gone even stricter on keto and worked out religiously only to find the scale not budging.Last month I was so tired I stopped doing keto and every last pound came back.It wasn’t until someone here mentioned hormone imbalance that a light bulb went off for me. My boobs constantly hurt. I bleed forever (seriously, I’ve had a period for going 3 months now) and my boyfriend says I complain nonstop about cramps on the Mirena.I have an appointment to get it removed, next week, and I cannot wait 🙌🙌🙌 I am hoping my body readjusts post Mirena and the weight will finally come off again.
