How do I go about birth control with Catholic parents??

So ever since I can remember I’ve always experienced really bad periods: get really sick before, during and after (feel like I get the stomach flu every time), painful cramps - almost to the point of going to the ER and no pain meds help. Generally, I just feel so horrible. I met with a gynecologist the other day and she suggested Junel 24 as a birth control option to take and explained how it works and everything and to me it sounded like a good option compared to getting a shot every 3 months (that had worse side effects). The only thing is is that I’m 20 and I still live with my very catholic parents who believe that if you use birth control you’ll think it’s okay to just start sleeping around. That is definitely not why I want to use it (still a virgin here) and I’ve explained to my mom that my periods are really bad and the doctor really suggests that this will help alleviate the problem. I think I may have a hormonal imbalance and taking birth control would help that also. Only problem is I don’t know how i would convince my parents to allow me to take it. I don’t want to sneak around and take it because they are bound to find out and would be upset that I hid it from them, but they’re very conservative and seem to think that it’ll make me have thus idea I can sleep around (which is absurd to me because I’m not that kind of person, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but that’s just not me). Does anyone have any words of advice or a similar situation??

So ever since I can remember I’ve always experienced really bad periods: get really sick before, during and after (feel like I get the stomach flu every time), painful cramps - almost to the point of going to the ER and no pain meds help. Generally, I just feel so horrible. I met with a gynecologist the other day and she suggested Junel 24 as a birth control option to take and explained how it works and everything and to me it sounded like a good option compared to getting a shot every 3 months (that had worse side effects). The only thing is is that I’m 20 and I still live with my very catholic parents who believe that if you use birth control you’ll think it’s okay to just start sleeping around. That is definitely not why I want to use it (still a virgin here) and I’ve explained to my mom that my periods are really bad and the doctor really suggests that this will help alleviate the problem. I think I may have a hormonal imbalance and taking birth control would help that also. Only problem is I don’t know how i would convince my parents to allow me to take it. I don’t want to sneak around and take it because they are bound to find out and would be upset that I hid it from them, but they’re very conservative and seem to think that it’ll make me have thus idea I can sleep around (which is absurd to me because I’m not that kind of person, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but that’s just not me). Does anyone have any words of advice or a similar situation??
