I haven’t had my period in almost 2 months. I am definitely not pregnant

Ok, so as the title said, I haven’t had my period in almost 2 months. I don’t know the exact date I last had it though, cause I didn’t have a reason to check up on it before, but now I kinda wish I had cause then I’d be able to say exactly how long it’s been just in case that’s significant or anything. Idk Anyway, I’m definitely not pregnant. There has only ever been 1 guy I’ve had sex with(my ex), and I haven’t had sex with him or anything like that in just under a year. So I know it’s definitely not that

I’m not sure what I should do about this. I know I should probably go to the doctor or something, but I haven’t actually made an appointment on my own yet (I’m only 18, but I’m not completely there mentally, so I’m quite immature for my age) and plus I have really bad anxiety, and as a result I wouldn’t even begin to know how to make a doctors appointment on my own, let alone get there on my own and get everything sorted. Frankly, the only realistic way I could imagine me making that doctors appointment would be for my mum to do it for me (and yes, I know how pathetic that sounds). The only trouble is how awkward it would be explaining this to her. I mean, yeah, we’re both girls, so that isn’t an issue. I just don’t want her getting the wrong idea. Mostly because I spend a lot of my time (several hours almost every day after college) with my best friend who is a guy. There is absolutely nothing going on between us, trust me. But we have a very close friendship, and with the amount of time I spend over his place, you can imagine exactly what she would be thinking if I were to go up to her and say “hey mum, I haven’t had my period in almost 2 months, can you please make a doctors appointment”.

I know that there are lots of reasons why I could be skipping my period. Apparently you can get irregular periods from thyroid problems(idk too much about the details of that though), and I know that there are some thyroid problems in my family. Also, it can be to do with a hormone imbalance, which could also possibly be it, cause I have a lot of hair in places that you wouldn’t normally find hair in women but it’s not uncommon for men, and plus about a year after I got regular periods, something similar happened for a month, so I got a doctors appointment, but when it was time for the appointment ironically a couple days before I got it again, and as far as I know nothing came back on any tests, so I’m not completely sure in that one too. Idk what other causes there could be for this. I just mentioned those 2 because out of all of the causes I saw they both made the most sense. Also I’m not sure if it’s normal to just skip a period every so often without anything being wrong.

Probably my biggest fear with this though would be that it is just a random thing that happened to me, and that by the time I post about it, or tell anyone, or get that doctors appointment, I would have gotten my period and all of this would be for nothing. But at this point I really think I should do something about it, but I’m not sure what.

Does anyone have any advice of what to do, or any other ideas of what could be causing this? Thanks

Ok, so as the title said, I haven’t had my period in almost 2 months. I don’t know the exact date I last had it though, cause I didn’t have a reason to check up on it before, but now I kinda wish I had cause then I’d be able to say exactly how long it’s been just in case that’s significant or anything. Idk Anyway, I’m definitely not pregnant. There has only ever been 1 guy I’ve had sex with(my ex), and I haven’t had sex with him or anything like that in just under a year. So I know it’s definitely not thatI’m not sure what I should do about this. I know I should probably go to the doctor or something, but I haven’t actually made an appointment on my own yet (I’m only 18, but I’m not completely there mentally, so I’m quite immature for my age) and plus I have really bad anxiety, and as a result I wouldn’t even begin to know how to make a doctors appointment on my own, let alone get there on my own and get everything sorted. Frankly, the only realistic way I could imagine me making that doctors appointment would be for my mum to do it for me (and yes, I know how pathetic that sounds). The only trouble is how awkward it would be explaining this to her. I mean, yeah, we’re both girls, so that isn’t an issue. I just don’t want her getting the wrong idea. Mostly because I spend a lot of my time (several hours almost every day after college) with my best friend who is a guy. There is absolutely nothing going on between us, trust me. But we have a very close friendship, and with the amount of time I spend over his place, you can imagine exactly what she would be thinking if I were to go up to her and say “hey mum, I haven’t had my period in almost 2 months, can you please make a doctors appointment”.I know that there are lots of reasons why I could be skipping my period. Apparently you can get irregular periods from thyroid problems(idk too much about the details of that though), and I know that there are some thyroid problems in my family. Also, it can be to do with a hormone imbalance, which could also possibly be it, cause I have a lot of hair in places that you wouldn’t normally find hair in women but it’s not uncommon for men, and plus about a year after I got regular periods, something similar happened for a month, so I got a doctors appointment, but when it was time for the appointment ironically a couple days before I got it again, and as far as I know nothing came back on any tests, so I’m not completely sure in that one too. Idk what other causes there could be for this. I just mentioned those 2 because out of all of the causes I saw they both made the most sense. Also I’m not sure if it’s normal to just skip a period every so often without anything being wrong.Probably my biggest fear with this though would be that it is just a random thing that happened to me, and that by the time I post about it, or tell anyone, or get that doctors appointment, I would have gotten my period and all of this would be for nothing. But at this point I really think I should do something about it, but I’m not sure what.Does anyone have any advice of what to do, or any other ideas of what could be causing this? Thanks https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/33wSKAC
