It's official .. *sigh*

I finally decided to have my hormones tested to rule out a hormone imbalance.. and they came back normal. I have PMDD. I came off the birth control pill 5 months ago after long term use (9 years) and had really severe symptoms within 3 weeks of stopping, so for a long time I figured my hormones just needed to adjust, but nope! This is a blow that's for sure. I sympathize with all of you.

I finally decided to have my hormones tested to rule out a hormone imbalance.. and they came back normal. I have PMDD. I came off the birth control pill 5 months ago after long term use (9 years) and had really severe symptoms within 3 weeks of stopping, so for a long time I figured my hormones just needed to adjust, but nope! This is a blow that's for sure. I sympathize with all of you.
