Should I Be Concerned?

AGE: 27 SEX: female HEIGHT: 5 foot 6 inches WEIGHT: 250 lbs RACE: caucasian PRIMARY COMPLAINT: echoing in the ears DURATION: 1 year 6 months EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, Cysts in left wrist, some sort of hormonal imbalance causing hair loss and bad acne, Latice Degenration (right eye), gastric bypass surgery MEDICATIONS: paxil 80mg, trazodone 100mg, latuda 20mg, prazosin 4mg Dont drink, use recreational drugs. Smoke one cigarette a week.

I had gastric bypass surgery on June 29, 2018. Ever since that surgery atleast once a day I get severe echoing in my ears. I first thought this was a sign I was dehydrated, but that doesn't seem to be the case because I'm always drinking water throughout the day. I am wondering if anyone can tell me what's going on?

AGE: 27 SEX: female HEIGHT: 5 foot 6 inches WEIGHT: 250 lbs RACE: caucasian PRIMARY COMPLAINT: echoing in the ears DURATION: 1 year 6 months EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, Cysts in left wrist, some sort of hormonal imbalance causing hair loss and bad acne, Latice Degenration (right eye), gastric bypass surgery MEDICATIONS: paxil 80mg, trazodone 100mg, latuda 20mg, prazosin 4mg Dont drink, use recreational drugs. Smoke one cigarette a week.I had gastric bypass surgery on June 29, 2018. Ever since that surgery atleast once a day I get severe echoing in my ears. I first thought this was a sign I was dehydrated, but that doesn't seem to be the case because I'm always drinking water throughout the day. I am wondering if anyone can tell me what's going on?
