Unexpected Super positive mirena experience

Hey y'all, well I typed out a really long post but it kept saying but there were issues posting it, I'm on mobile. Basically I went totally insane, mood swings paranoia anger jealousy all kinds of garbage when I went on birth control pill. I even tried the smaller kind of pill. then I got paragard, and I became so iron deficient and let me tell you iron deficiency has a whole host of unpleasant side effects because your body is not getting enough oxygen, your body needs enough iron in its system in order to manufacture oxygen which it then transports around your body with red blood cells. Or something like that a quick Google search will produce the function of iron in red blood cells. oh gosh, my lips were pale and chapped, I was white as a sheet, I was lethargic and anxious. just terrible and it took two years to correct my iron levels taking two or three iron supplements every single day at the recommendation of my doctor.

I finally got the paragard out when I became single because I did not want to be completely draining my blood when I don't even have casual sex or boyfriend.

I got mirena a month ago, it was a strange sensation after the insertion it almost felt like a film of milk slowly covered my mouth it was very strange and it was just a sensation, there was no actual white film in my mouth covering the roof of my mouth or my tongue. I even felt like I was slurring my words for the first few days, I had no energy to lift my tongue it seemed, of course I had no problems talking but I had to exert effort in order to not slur. It's like my tongue was lazy! In addition, this seemed laziness affected my mental state, it literally felt like I had taken a half gram of if you've never taken Xanax before, oh God it's great.I used to take it for prescription but I loved it so much that I never refilled it because I didn't want it to turn into a problem LOL. It was a very calming feeling, to be honest I was having so much anger and rage issues and a little bit of mood swings before I got it inserted, I really never had any issues with anger so I was basically just kind of ignoring the issues, I would scream suddenly in my car like a rage outburst it was kind of embarrassing. I hate to admit that, it's only been going on for less than a year but it seemed to be getting worse. since I went so crazy on the pill before, I was worried I would be pushed over the edge but in fact the Marina has a slight Xanax effect. The slurring sensation went away after about a week and the Xanax effect kind of lifted a little bit but it still makes me feel very calm and cozy a month later. The insertion was not at all painful, it was uncomfortable but it was like 10 times less painful than the paragard, not to mention with mirena. You're not supposed to have. Which is much better than the 8 day long heavy periods with paragard by gave me cramps for a literally half the month and a period For 1/3 of the monthbecause the paragard would always cause it to take forever trickling out which really does not feel sexy when you have a little bit of brown blood in your panties.

here I was worried I would go totally insane with mirena, instead it's like I took half a Xanax. all those rage issues I was having before, well maybe I had a hormonal imbalance but I don't think so because my cycle was on clockwork. To be honest I'm sure it was just my own personal issues. anyway, the same lack of energy that cost me to slur just a little bit also cause me to not have enough energy to give any energy at all to any kind of negative or angry thought that I would have. instead of spinning in my wheels and going over it in my mind, it's like I felt so cozy and so good and so stress-free from mirena that I could not be bothered to elaborate on and uncomfortable thought that would occasionally surface like I had previously thought about most of the day before I even got mirena. Xanax affect has slightly lessened now that it has been a month, but honestly the Merina has a totally positive effect on my mood. I completely love this IUD I really don't get cramps either besides the first few days after insertion and like one or two days before my period. I've only had it for a monthand I read online that sometimes people who get mirena taken out can have mood swings, and I'm sure it's because while you're on mirena you feel so damn good cuz it's just like Xanax. 10 out of 10 recommend totally unexpected. I hope my period Goes away but either way it's like 10 times lighter than it was before.

Hey y'all, well I typed out a really long post but it kept saying but there were issues posting it, I'm on mobile. Basically I went totally insane, mood swings paranoia anger jealousy all kinds of garbage when I went on birth control pill. I even tried the smaller kind of pill. then I got paragard, and I became so iron deficient and let me tell you iron deficiency has a whole host of unpleasant side effects because your body is not getting enough oxygen, your body needs enough iron in its system in order to manufacture oxygen which it then transports around your body with red blood cells. Or something like that a quick Google search will produce the function of iron in red blood cells. oh gosh, my lips were pale and chapped, I was white as a sheet, I was lethargic and anxious. just terrible and it took two years to correct my iron levels taking two or three iron supplements every single day at the recommendation of my doctor.​I finally got the paragard out when I became single because I did not want to be completely draining my blood when I don't even have casual sex or boyfriend.​I got mirena a month ago, it was a strange sensation after the insertion it almost felt like a film of milk slowly covered my mouth it was very strange and it was just a sensation, there was no actual white film in my mouth covering the roof of my mouth or my tongue. I even felt like I was slurring my words for the first few days, I had no energy to lift my tongue it seemed, of course I had no problems talking but I had to exert effort in order to not slur. It's like my tongue was lazy! In addition, this seemed laziness affected my mental state, it literally felt like I had taken a half gram of if you've never taken Xanax before, oh God it's great.I used to take it for prescription but I loved it so much that I never refilled it because I didn't want it to turn into a problem LOL. It was a very calming feeling, to be honest I was having so much anger and rage issues and a little bit of mood swings before I got it inserted, I really never had any issues with anger so I was basically just kind of ignoring the issues, I would scream suddenly in my car like a rage outburst it was kind of embarrassing. I hate to admit that, it's only been going on for less than a year but it seemed to be getting worse. since I went so crazy on the pill before, I was worried I would be pushed over the edge but in fact the Marina has a slight Xanax effect. The slurring sensation went away after about a week and the Xanax effect kind of lifted a little bit but it still makes me feel very calm and cozy a month later. The insertion was not at all painful, it was uncomfortable but it was like 10 times less painful than the paragard, not to mention with mirena. You're not supposed to have. Which is much better than the 8 day long heavy periods with paragard by gave me cramps for a literally half the month and a period For 1/3 of the monthbecause the paragard would always cause it to take forever trickling out which really does not feel sexy when you have a little bit of brown blood in your panties.​here I was worried I would go totally insane with mirena, instead it's like I took half a Xanax. all those rage issues I was having before, well maybe I had a hormonal imbalance but I don't think so because my cycle was on clockwork. To be honest I'm sure it was just my own personal issues. anyway, the same lack of energy that cost me to slur just a little bit also cause me to not have enough energy to give any energy at all to any kind of negative or angry thought that I would have. instead of spinning in my wheels and going over it in my mind, it's like I felt so cozy and so good and so stress-free from mirena that I could not be bothered to elaborate on and uncomfortable thought that would occasionally surface like I had previously thought about most of the day before I even got mirena. Xanax affect has slightly lessened now that it has been a month, but honestly the Merina has a totally positive effect on my mood. I completely love this IUD I really don't get cramps either besides the first few days after insertion and like one or two days before my period. I've only had it for a monthand I read online that sometimes people who get mirena taken out can have mood swings, and I'm sure it's because while you're on mirena you feel so damn good cuz it's just like Xanax. 10 out of 10 recommend totally unexpected. I hope my period Goes away but either way it's like 10 times lighter than it was before. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2Y0QvEp
