Why methamphetamine is a superior medication

Ended up writing a textbook novel explaining ADHD medications and how many meth users claim their life is 'complete' or 'normal' while using methamphetamine.

Most start from Adderall, which isnt enough, especially depending on how "off" your brain chemistry is. The worse the ADHD, the more is required to treat.

Alot of secondary mental health conditions are caused by untreated ADHD from childhood and led to adult untreated ADHD.

Depression, Anxiety, Self-care or motivation. May be caused by a severe case untreated ADHD.

Me personally? I had America's most prestigious mental health clinic , The Mayo Clinic, do a medication & diagnostic appointment to get down to what needs to be done and the best solution to my problems.

They knew about my prior methamphetamine abuse. Even noted it before saying "even with prior substance abuse of stimulants, patient REQUIRES A STIMULANT TO FUNCTION NOMINAL".

This was a 17 page, in-depth overview of how fucked I am. The senior psych was actually very mean and condsending in the report, but honestly was spot on about everything. I didn't lie, I laid my whole life out for them.

Because of that sentence in that report, I can always gets prescribed stims. Even with abuse.

I may be sober from meth, but I am one of the people that are severally benefited from the use of methamphetamine.

I refuse to use street meth, im fighting to be prescribed real meth, it's going to be struggle, but read my comment.

Link to original thread in comments.

Desoxyn (methamphetamine hcl), 5mg Tablets.

That's legal meth.

Adderall (dextroamphetamine, amphetamine salt combo) is 25% Levo-amphetmine (l-amp) & 75% dextroamphetamine (d-amp).

Dextroamphetamine alone, is a called Dextrine(dexies).

The levo-amphetmine in Adderall is widely known to cause what you may call or experience the 'tweaky' side effect, possibly referring to how you said you felt calm. This and the amount induced daily , add in tolerance & fillers from the tablet, patients are going to be , in the long term, suffering from side effects caused by : Amount of substance, tolerance and addticion variables.

Dextrine (pure Dextroamphetamine) , has been noted to be alot "cleaner" by patients, removing the tweaky jitters , and really pushing on the dopamine hormone to inspire reward in everyday tasks. Since dopamine is the pleasure / reward hormone , increasing it, causes the mind to find pleasure or reward in paying attention or focusing on a activity, while keeping you CALM , since attention issues are mostly accompanied by hyper activity disorders making it difficult to sit still and focus on one subject when your mind might be in a different universe, or multiple universes.

Dextroamphetamine is pushing the limits on its class of stimulant, meaning to get stronger requires more substance or stronger substance.


Methamphetamine (m-amp), is a synthetic CNS stimulant with long lasting effects and unique characteristics that make methamphetamine what it is.

The methyl group in METHamphetamine , allows it to pass through the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).

What this means is the stimulant can leeach through into the blood while still being broken down and processed.

Many don't know this, but oral ROA(route of administration... How you administer drugs, nose, smoke, inject), but ORAL, taking methamphetamine through the stomach , like Adderall, actually is the preferred ROA method.

Anything that goes into the stomach, gets forced to the liver to break down the substance. Because of the livers processing time, this extends the duration of the effects. Depending on how its processed and what our bodies can handle at once.

So Adderall Instant Release (ir) , if taken orally , lasts about 5-6 hours, on a chart graph, it would spike high, and then plummet.

Adderall Extended release (XR), if taken orally, has time release waxing on tiny beads that slowly release half of the total MG somewhat instantly and then the other half within the next 12 hours..... On a graph this will look like a slow steady ramp up and a level sustained hours.

Adderal XR has been know to be more 'stable' due to the fact it's not like IR tablets, releasing all the substance at once, then crashing. This keeps you level, at least mentally throughout the day, the withdrawal is lessened.

Methamphetamine HCL (Crystal meth, Desoxyn) is methamphetamine Instant Release, also know has Crystal meth, ice , Tina ,ECT.

Methamphetamine is already in the Instant Release state, a salt(hcl) , there is no chemical difference between desoxyn and street meth, except for being pure and pharma grade quality.

But, methamphetamine hcl takes 12-14 hours to fully breakdown if taken orally . Again with the methyl group allowing more powerful effects but takes longer than Dextroamphetamine to break down, you have a substance that's in a IR state but lasts longer than Adderall XR, stronger.

Methamphetamine is approved by the FDA for the therapeutic treatment of :

Attention deficit, hyper activity disorder (ADHD)


&&** MDD (Major Depressive Disorder).

Up to 30mg a day max therapeutic range .

MDD is one of the worse depression disorders there is, that isn't "I'm sad" depression, hormonal imbalance of seratonin (happy hormone), hindering ones abllity to find motivation or happiness, unless they receive treatment.

Dextroamphetamine (Adderall, dextrine) , does not push seratonin like methamphetamine does.

Methamphetamine HCL, inhibits the reuptake of dopamine and seratonin, on a hormonal level, basically meaning that it prevents the two hormones from 'locking up' and stopping excess hormone stores from being wasted or used up.

So In the terms of effective medication treatment, for the symptoms listed above. Methamphetamine is a far superior substance, safer and less side effects.

People on 100mg/day of adderal, because of tolerance, that dosage is actually very high and the patient is probably suffering from adverse side effects that really ruin Adderall and is the main reason for patients , especially child hood to adult hood patients, end up quitting the medication around adulthood because of side effects.

Methamphetamine HCL, Desoxyn. Is the best treatment for ADHD & Depressive disorders , out of ALL MEDICATIONS.

Meth requires LESS SUBSTANCE, to do the same/better than dextroamphetamine (Vyvanse, dextrine, adderal) or methylphenidate (Ritalin, concerta)

Meth is far more potent, lasts all day, makes you motivated (seratonin), along with being rewarding or pleasured by whatever your motivated to be doing, thus causing a healthy effective equilibrium. In terms of MDD, depression disorders are usually treated with SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) , like Prosac(fluoxetine), which is the most dangerous antidepressant on the market due to suicidal ideations. Meaning the medication may work or make you want to die, like for real, I was on it once, tried to kill myself 3 times in 10 months I was on it.

So now you got your science lesson, now to why : "Meth makes me better!".

It's because people with actual ADHD and A hint or flood of chemical depression, get CALM and content when subjected to methamphetamines affects on their chemical levels that are NORMALLY VERY LOW .

What your feeling is normalatiliy! Introverted to Extroverted. Works on ones self, motivated, libido restored , more efficient, more willing to go the extra mile, happy!!

Desoxyn (methamphetamine hcl) is near impossible to get prescribed unless you have tried almost every other Medication, then you have to hope your insurance covers meth!! Which most don't.

Around $1,600 a bottle retail, name brand.

They do make a generic finally, but it's even worse than name brand .... Why?? Because generic medications , on the label it's always the actual composition of the substance, no name, only chemical name.

Name brand Desoxyn will say : Desoxyn, on the label

Generic desoxyn will say: METHAMPHETAMINE HCL, On the label. Yeah... Don't show anyone that bottle.

Hope this helps, I literally did this in one shot, apologise for the novel! This is all from memory. 😋

Stay Hydrated ❤️

Feel free to ask questions, I'm thinking about doing a AMA.

Peace+ :)

Ended up writing a textbook novel explaining ADHD medications and how many meth users claim their life is 'complete' or 'normal' while using methamphetamine.Most start from Adderall, which isnt enough, especially depending on how "off" your brain chemistry is. The worse the ADHD, the more is required to treat.Alot of secondary mental health conditions are caused by untreated ADHD from childhood and led to adult untreated ADHD.Depression, Anxiety, Self-care or motivation. May be caused by a severe case untreated ADHD.Me personally? I had America's most prestigious mental health clinic , The Mayo Clinic, do a medication & diagnostic appointment to get down to what needs to be done and the best solution to my problems.They knew about my prior methamphetamine abuse. Even noted it before saying "even with prior substance abuse of stimulants, patient REQUIRES A STIMULANT TO FUNCTION NOMINAL".This was a 17 page, in-depth overview of how fucked I am. The senior psych was actually very mean and condsending in the report, but honestly was spot on about everything. I didn't lie, I laid my whole life out for them.Because of that sentence in that report, I can always gets prescribed stims. Even with abuse.I may be sober from meth, but I am one of the people that are severally benefited from the use of methamphetamine.I refuse to use street meth, im fighting to be prescribed real meth, it's going to be struggle, but read my comment.Link to original thread in comments.Desoxyn (methamphetamine hcl), 5mg Tablets.That's legal meth.Adderall (dextroamphetamine, amphetamine salt combo) is 25% Levo-amphetmine (l-amp) & 75% dextroamphetamine (d-amp).Dextroamphetamine alone, is a called Dextrine(dexies).The levo-amphetmine in Adderall is widely known to cause what you may call or experience the 'tweaky' side effect, possibly referring to how you said you felt calm. This and the amount induced daily , add in tolerance & fillers from the tablet, patients are going to be , in the long term, suffering from side effects caused by : Amount of substance, tolerance and addticion variables.Dextrine (pure Dextroamphetamine) , has been noted to be alot "cleaner" by patients, removing the tweaky jitters , and really pushing on the dopamine hormone to inspire reward in everyday tasks. Since dopamine is the pleasure / reward hormone , increasing it, causes the mind to find pleasure or reward in paying attention or focusing on a activity, while keeping you CALM , since attention issues are mostly accompanied by hyper activity disorders making it difficult to sit still and focus on one subject when your mind might be in a different universe, or multiple universes.Dextroamphetamine is pushing the limits on its class of stimulant, meaning to get stronger requires more substance or stronger substance.....Methamphetamine (m-amp), is a synthetic CNS stimulant with long lasting effects and unique characteristics that make methamphetamine what it is.The methyl group in METHamphetamine , allows it to pass through the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).What this means is the stimulant can leeach through into the blood while still being broken down and processed.Many don't know this, but oral ROA(route of administration... How you administer drugs, nose, smoke, inject), but ORAL, taking methamphetamine through the stomach , like Adderall, actually is the preferred ROA method.Anything that goes into the stomach, gets forced to the liver to break down the substance. Because of the livers processing time, this extends the duration of the effects. Depending on how its processed and what our bodies can handle at once.So Adderall Instant Release (ir) , if taken orally , lasts about 5-6 hours, on a chart graph, it would spike high, and then plummet.Adderall Extended release (XR), if taken orally, has time release waxing on tiny beads that slowly release half of the total MG somewhat instantly and then the other half within the next 12 hours..... On a graph this will look like a slow steady ramp up and a level sustained hours.Adderal XR has been know to be more 'stable' due to the fact it's not like IR tablets, releasing all the substance at once, then crashing. This keeps you level, at least mentally throughout the day, the withdrawal is lessened.Methamphetamine HCL (Crystal meth, Desoxyn) is methamphetamine Instant Release, also know has Crystal meth, ice , Tina ,ECT.Methamphetamine is already in the Instant Release state, a salt(hcl) , there is no chemical difference between desoxyn and street meth, except for being pure and pharma grade quality.But, methamphetamine hcl takes 12-14 hours to fully breakdown if taken orally . Again with the methyl group allowing more powerful effects but takes longer than Dextroamphetamine to break down, you have a substance that's in a IR state but lasts longer than Adderall XR, stronger.Methamphetamine is approved by the FDA for the therapeutic treatment of :Attention deficit, hyper activity disorder (ADHD)Narcolepsy&&** MDD (Major Depressive Disorder).Up to 30mg a day max therapeutic range .MDD is one of the worse depression disorders there is, that isn't "I'm sad" depression, hormonal imbalance of seratonin (happy hormone), hindering ones abllity to find motivation or happiness, unless they receive treatment.Dextroamphetamine (Adderall, dextrine) , does not push seratonin like methamphetamine does.Methamphetamine HCL, inhibits the reuptake of dopamine and seratonin, on a hormonal level, basically meaning that it prevents the two hormones from 'locking up' and stopping excess hormone stores from being wasted or used up.So In the terms of effective medication treatment, for the symptoms listed above. Methamphetamine is a far superior substance, safer and less side effects.People on 100mg/day of adderal, because of tolerance, that dosage is actually very high and the patient is probably suffering from adverse side effects that really ruin Adderall and is the main reason for patients , especially child hood to adult hood patients, end up quitting the medication around adulthood because of side effects.Methamphetamine HCL, Desoxyn. Is the best treatment for ADHD & Depressive disorders , out of ALL MEDICATIONS.Meth requires LESS SUBSTANCE, to do the same/better than dextroamphetamine (Vyvanse, dextrine, adderal) or methylphenidate (Ritalin, concerta)Meth is far more potent, lasts all day, makes you motivated (seratonin), along with being rewarding or pleasured by whatever your motivated to be doing, thus causing a healthy effective equilibrium. In terms of MDD, depression disorders are usually treated with SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) , like Prosac(fluoxetine), which is the most dangerous antidepressant on the market due to suicidal ideations. Meaning the medication may work or make you want to die, like for real, I was on it once, tried to kill myself 3 times in 10 months I was on it.So now you got your science lesson, now to why : "Meth makes me better!".It's because people with actual ADHD and A hint or flood of chemical depression, get CALM and content when subjected to methamphetamines affects on their chemical levels that are NORMALLY VERY LOW .What your feeling is normalatiliy! Introverted to Extroverted. Works on ones self, motivated, libido restored , more efficient, more willing to go the extra mile, happy!!Desoxyn (methamphetamine hcl) is near impossible to get prescribed unless you have tried almost every other Medication, then you have to hope your insurance covers meth!! Which most don't.Around $1,600 a bottle retail, name brand.They do make a generic finally, but it's even worse than name brand .... Why?? Because generic medications , on the label it's always the actual composition of the substance, no name, only chemical name.Name brand Desoxyn will say : Desoxyn, on the labelGeneric desoxyn will say: METHAMPHETAMINE HCL, On the label. Yeah... Don't show anyone that bottle.Hope this helps, I literally did this in one shot, apologise for the novel! This is all from memory. 😋Stay Hydrated ❤️Feel free to ask questions, I'm thinking about doing a AMA.Peace+ :) https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2qRi0Et
