Control Our Periods, Control Our Future

We need to take control of our periods and have the option to SAFELY stop them without risking the side effects of current birth control.

It should be a priority. And as far as pro choice and prolife it would get rid of that debate almost entirely since fetus would not even be created.

It could end the effects of legislation over our bodies.

It could equalize the playing field for us professionally

I have suffered with PCOS for 40 years and I've had a period nearly every month for 40 years. At some point I had ones that lasted six months and this would go on and cycles of 6-month debilitating periods and anemia.

I used to black out and faint from blood loss as a teen. My parents had to pick me up off the floor in a pool of my own blood. The cramps were so intense id misss three days of school.

Other times I went for 3-6 months with no periods.

I had 4 miscarriages that I know of and I probably have lost countless fertilized eggs due to PCOS.

I can't have a baby since I do not have 20-60k to use IVF and genetic screenings since I am past the prime babymaking age of 24 (and over 40)

So what was it all for really? Periods make me violent ill. They have ruined my work, vacations, events, and while trying with my ex, drove me into severe depression as much as the miscarriages did.

Other friends of mine are extremely fertile and birth control of any kind failed them even IUDs!!!

So I beg our female scientists to help us all and all future people who menustrate to find away to give us a choice to stop periods without causing strokes, blood clots, and hormonal imbalances.

I am so tired of this ruining my life and even triggering mental health episodes. But I do not want a hysterectomy for good reason!!!

What do you think? Would you take a med or injection if it was safe?

We need to take control of our periods and have the option to SAFELY stop them without risking the side effects of current birth control.It should be a priority. And as far as pro choice and prolife it would get rid of that debate almost entirely since fetus would not even be created.It could end the effects of legislation over our bodies.It could equalize the playing field for us professionallyI have suffered with PCOS for 40 years and I've had a period nearly every month for 40 years. At some point I had ones that lasted six months and this would go on and cycles of 6-month debilitating periods and anemia.I used to black out and faint from blood loss as a teen. My parents had to pick me up off the floor in a pool of my own blood. The cramps were so intense id misss three days of school.Other times I went for 3-6 months with no periods.I had 4 miscarriages that I know of and I probably have lost countless fertilized eggs due to PCOS.I can't have a baby since I do not have 20-60k to use IVF and genetic screenings since I am past the prime babymaking age of 24 (and over 40)So what was it all for really? Periods make me violent ill. They have ruined my work, vacations, events, and while trying with my ex, drove me into severe depression as much as the miscarriages did.Other friends of mine are extremely fertile and birth control of any kind failed them even IUDs!!!So I beg our female scientists to help us all and all future people who menustrate to find away to give us a choice to stop periods without causing strokes, blood clots, and hormonal imbalances.I am so tired of this ruining my life and even triggering mental health episodes. But I do not want a hysterectomy for good reason!!!What do you think? Would you take a med or injection if it was safe?
