The 2010s are finally gonna be over! Thank the Lord!

The 2010s have been a decade from hell for me.

Recap of my decade:

I started middle school in late 2010, and I got bullied to the core for having a bad stutter.

In June of 2011, after 6th grade finished, I moved from Connecticut, where I lived since I was born, to Texas. Two totally different states. I'm used to TX now, but I don't have near as many friends here as I did in CT.

Then I started having ADHD and horrible anxiety/depression, with 2012-2015 being the peak.

The 2016-17 school year was MUCH better. Life got A MILLION times better after I finished my stressful ass junior year of HS. I then graduated in 2017, and started college the same year.

But once I started college in late 2017, I gained a shit ton of weight (Freshman 15). I then started getting hormone imbalance issues, which I still suffer with. I'm a female, but I grow excessive chin hair.

2018 was probably the best year of this decade for me. Despite being overweight and my mom almost dying from a large intestine obstruction, it was pretty chill. But in October of that year, I injured my foot pretty badly. I didn't even know that I got a stress fracture until a week before Christmas that year!

2019, I can honestly say, was the absolute worst year of my life! I started out this year with a broken foot. Then I got into a car accident in early February. My anxiety went up to the moon. My family and I started getting in a shit ton of debt. My father's Alzheimer's got markedly worse. It was a horrible year that I'm glad is ending.

I know, TL;DR. The 10s were fucking awful for me, and I REALLY hope the 20s will be much better. I'm starting a tax job at the beginning of January, and I CANNOT wait!

The 2010s have been a decade from hell for me.Recap of my decade:I started middle school in late 2010, and I got bullied to the core for having a bad stutter.In June of 2011, after 6th grade finished, I moved from Connecticut, where I lived since I was born, to Texas. Two totally different states. I'm used to TX now, but I don't have near as many friends here as I did in CT.Then I started having ADHD and horrible anxiety/depression, with 2012-2015 being the peak.The 2016-17 school year was MUCH better. Life got A MILLION times better after I finished my stressful ass junior year of HS. I then graduated in 2017, and started college the same year.But once I started college in late 2017, I gained a shit ton of weight (Freshman 15). I then started getting hormone imbalance issues, which I still suffer with. I'm a female, but I grow excessive chin hair.2018 was probably the best year of this decade for me. Despite being overweight and my mom almost dying from a large intestine obstruction, it was pretty chill. But in October of that year, I injured my foot pretty badly. I didn't even know that I got a stress fracture until a week before Christmas that year!2019, I can honestly say, was the absolute worst year of my life! I started out this year with a broken foot. Then I got into a car accident in early February. My anxiety went up to the moon. My family and I started getting in a shit ton of debt. My father's Alzheimer's got markedly worse. It was a horrible year that I'm glad is ending.I know, TL;DR. The 10s were fucking awful for me, and I REALLY hope the 20s will be much better. I'm starting a tax job at the beginning of January, and I CANNOT wait!
