To see an endocrinologist or an OBGYN?

I am 20 years old seeking treatment for PCOS. I went to my obgyn at home when i was 18 years old telling her my symptoms- no period, facial hair, acne, weight gain, I even had the high insulin lab results from another blood test. She said the only treatment for PCOS is birth control anyways so she just handed me a birth control prescription. 2 years later, I decided to get off of birth control this past November due to anxiety, low sex drive, headaches etc. Now, my PCOS symptoms are coming back. Acne, hair, my midsection feels so bloated, I’m scared to check if i’ve gained any weight. So now I am ready to seek treatment and attack the hormonal imbalances of my PCOS instead of masking it with the pill. I am in college in Tallahassee now so I could see someone at the Women’s Clinic at FSU, a different OBGYN in the area or find an endocrinologist. I’ve also thought about seeing a naturopath since I want to attack the hormonal imbalance and i always prefer the natural method if possible. I am nervous about seeing a doctor that will barely listen for 5 minutes and then hand me another prescription without explaining its effects on my body. I want to see someone who cares and is experienced with PCOS and will actually test my hormones before they diagnose. 

What is your advice in finding a doctor or naturopath or anyone who specializes in this condition?

In the meantime, I’m trying to eat healthy and taking supplements- I’ve always taken a multivitamin but have been taking evening primrose oil for my acne since i stopped the birth control and started Inositol two days ago because I’ve heard such good things about it’s ability to help with insulin resistance on here.

Thanks for reading!

I am 20 years old seeking treatment for PCOS. I went to my obgyn at home when i was 18 years old telling her my symptoms- no period, facial hair, acne, weight gain, I even had the high insulin lab results from another blood test. She said the only treatment for PCOS is birth control anyways so she just handed me a birth control prescription. 2 years later, I decided to get off of birth control this past November due to anxiety, low sex drive, headaches etc. Now, my PCOS symptoms are coming back. Acne, hair, my midsection feels so bloated, I’m scared to check if i’ve gained any weight. So now I am ready to seek treatment and attack the hormonal imbalances of my PCOS instead of masking it with the pill. I am in college in Tallahassee now so I could see someone at the Women’s Clinic at FSU, a different OBGYN in the area or find an endocrinologist. I’ve also thought about seeing a naturopath since I want to attack the hormonal imbalance and i always prefer the natural method if possible. I am nervous about seeing a doctor that will barely listen for 5 minutes and then hand me another prescription without explaining its effects on my body. I want to see someone who cares and is experienced with PCOS and will actually test my hormones before they diagnose. What is your advice in finding a doctor or naturopath or anyone who specializes in this condition?In the meantime, I’m trying to eat healthy and taking supplements- I’ve always taken a multivitamin but have been taking evening primrose oil for my acne since i stopped the birth control and started Inositol two days ago because I’ve heard such good things about it’s ability to help with insulin resistance on here.Thanks for reading!
