Januhairy, did you take part?

If you've not heard of it, 'Januhairy' encourages women to grow their body hair, a stand to show people it's more than OK for women to be au natural.

The bodiposi movement is growing, I find it great that folk are becoming comfortable with their own skin and feel able to do what they should be able to. I just wish I could too.

As a CIS woman who has to deal with PCOS, I'm a hairy mofo... Due to an imbalance of hormones I've become even hairier the last couple of years and quite frankly it's embarrassing. I'm sure most of you will have also experienced this!

I'm currently traveling SEA still finding it hard to be on a beach in a bikini, it's even harder for me as I need to pluck/shave/wax what I feel are unsightly bits of me very regularly. I went without shaving my armpits for a couple of weeks, no biggie but I felt so out of place. I hunted down a salon in Bangkok to get waxed, the owner did a crap job and it was a waste of money.

Anyone out there who feels 100% comfortable allowing your body to be natural?

If you've not heard of it, 'Januhairy' encourages women to grow their body hair, a stand to show people it's more than OK for women to be au natural.The bodiposi movement is growing, I find it great that folk are becoming comfortable with their own skin and feel able to do what they should be able to. I just wish I could too.As a CIS woman who has to deal with PCOS, I'm a hairy mofo... Due to an imbalance of hormones I've become even hairier the last couple of years and quite frankly it's embarrassing. I'm sure most of you will have also experienced this!I'm currently traveling SEA still finding it hard to be on a beach in a bikini, it's even harder for me as I need to pluck/shave/wax what I feel are unsightly bits of me very regularly. I went without shaving my armpits for a couple of weeks, no biggie but I felt so out of place. I hunted down a salon in Bangkok to get waxed, the owner did a crap job and it was a waste of money.Anyone out there who feels 100% comfortable allowing your body to be natural? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/317Kh73
