Just got diagnosed... kinda

Hi, so I’m new here and I just got diagnosed with PSOC.... kinda. It’s kind of a long story but I’m desperate for some opinions. So, ever since I was in middle school I would get really bad period cramps. I went to the OBGYN and she told me I had a hormone imbalance and put me on birth control. I stopped after a year and I was ok after that. high school comes around and my bad cramps start again so I was put on the birth control again and I was on it until about a year ago (I’m 21 now) the reason why i stopped was because I missed a couple of days of the pill and my bf and I did our thingggg so I had to take a plan B. After I took the plan B I didn’t get my period for a month and all my pregnancy tests were coming back negative so I went in to see the OBGYN. She did an ultrasound and saw that I had developed 1 cyst on my right ovary, she said it was most likely from taking the Plan B. So she put me on a really strong dose of birth control to see if the cyst would shrink and go away. I didn’t but I still continued to take the strong birth control she gave me even though I had gained some weight on it. So about 2 mo. after I starting the strong BC, I started to experience weird symptoms like my eyesight was going out and I felt like I was going to faint. Long story short I got diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri which is where I produce too much spinal fluid and it builds up and pushes down on my brain mimicking a brain tumor. My neurosurgeon said I had to stop my birth control ASAP because he was almost sure that it was the strong BC that caused it. He told me that I couldn’t be on BC ever again and that I needed to loose weight because that’s the best way to treat my pseudotumor cerebri. Well ever since I stopped the birth control I gained a TON of weight around 60 lbs actually. I would try so so so so hard to loose weight but I couldn’t. In the past when I was on regular BC during middle school and high school, I was able to maintain my weight and loose it fairly easily too. But it’s been so hard now that I’m not on anything! I went to an endocrinologist and he did so many test on me and they all came back negative for everything. He said my male hormone levels were a little high, but not enough to label me PCOS. My periods have always been regular and my facial hair isn’t that bad. He was stumped and said that the closest thing he could diagnose me with was PCOS, but at the same time on paper it didn’t look like I had it... now I’m just SO lost! I’ve been taking medicine to control my pseudotumor cerebri, so my neurologist said that if I was comfortable with it, I could go back on a regular or low dose of BC, because it didn’t effect me in the past, it was the high dose that caused my pseudotumor cerebri. But I’m not sure what to do. I’m desperate to loose weight and I’m thinking the only way to do it is with BC. I’ve tried metformin but it didn’t do anything but upset my stomach. Also, I started to get a dark neck but i’ve been tested for diabetes several times already but all my tests come back as normal. All of this has effected me mentally too. My anxiety and panic attacks have been bad. If you read all this thank you! If anyone has any advice or opinions please let me know. ❤️

Hi, so I’m new here and I just got diagnosed with PSOC.... kinda. It’s kind of a long story but I’m desperate for some opinions. So, ever since I was in middle school I would get really bad period cramps. I went to the OBGYN and she told me I had a hormone imbalance and put me on birth control. I stopped after a year and I was ok after that. high school comes around and my bad cramps start again so I was put on the birth control again and I was on it until about a year ago (I’m 21 now) the reason why i stopped was because I missed a couple of days of the pill and my bf and I did our thingggg so I had to take a plan B. After I took the plan B I didn’t get my period for a month and all my pregnancy tests were coming back negative so I went in to see the OBGYN. She did an ultrasound and saw that I had developed 1 cyst on my right ovary, she said it was most likely from taking the Plan B. So she put me on a really strong dose of birth control to see if the cyst would shrink and go away. I didn’t but I still continued to take the strong birth control she gave me even though I had gained some weight on it. So about 2 mo. after I starting the strong BC, I started to experience weird symptoms like my eyesight was going out and I felt like I was going to faint. Long story short I got diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri which is where I produce too much spinal fluid and it builds up and pushes down on my brain mimicking a brain tumor. My neurosurgeon said I had to stop my birth control ASAP because he was almost sure that it was the strong BC that caused it. He told me that I couldn’t be on BC ever again and that I needed to loose weight because that’s the best way to treat my pseudotumor cerebri. Well ever since I stopped the birth control I gained a TON of weight around 60 lbs actually. I would try so so so so hard to loose weight but I couldn’t. In the past when I was on regular BC during middle school and high school, I was able to maintain my weight and loose it fairly easily too. But it’s been so hard now that I’m not on anything! I went to an endocrinologist and he did so many test on me and they all came back negative for everything. He said my male hormone levels were a little high, but not enough to label me PCOS. My periods have always been regular and my facial hair isn’t that bad. He was stumped and said that the closest thing he could diagnose me with was PCOS, but at the same time on paper it didn’t look like I had it... now I’m just SO lost! I’ve been taking medicine to control my pseudotumor cerebri, so my neurologist said that if I was comfortable with it, I could go back on a regular or low dose of BC, because it didn’t effect me in the past, it was the high dose that caused my pseudotumor cerebri. But I’m not sure what to do. I’m desperate to loose weight and I’m thinking the only way to do it is with BC. I’ve tried metformin but it didn’t do anything but upset my stomach. Also, I started to get a dark neck but i’ve been tested for diabetes several times already but all my tests come back as normal. All of this has effected me mentally too. My anxiety and panic attacks have been bad. If you read all this thank you! If anyone has any advice or opinions please let me know. ❤️ https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3aTAbey
