Another Vitex Post: Advice Wanted

I'll try to keep this short/factual:

I've now had two separate blood tests come back with slightly elevated prolactin. I'm working with both an OBGYN and naturopath. I see my OBGYN again next Wednesday.

My OB put me on progesterone for the second half of my cycle "just to put my mind at ease", but not because she thinks I need it, apparently. I have pretty regular cycles, but have not managed to get pregnant since my MMC in July.

I spoke with my naturopath following my second blood test with elevated prolactin, and she said we could try Vitex (1000mg) to bring it down as apparently this is the main thing that Vitex regulates. I started it at the beginning of this cycle.

I always have ovulation spotting and cramping, and I usually ovulate CD16.

This month, on CD16 I'd had no positive OPK, but felt my usual ovulation cramping and then saw bright red blood when I wiped along with a small clot.

But I wound up getting a positive OPK on CD18, and now appear to have ovulated CD19.

The issue: since my bright red blood incident, I've had spotting for 10 days straight. It's all very faint pink, but it's pretty constant. This is in spite of the progesterone I've been taking since CD19.

Given that I know for a fact that I've been dealing with a hormonal imbalance from my bloodwork, would it be fair to assume that I'm dealing with a "levelling out" period, and that next cycle might be better? Or should I probably abandon Vitex altogether, as 10 days of spotting is not particularly normal.

I'll try to keep this short/factual:I've now had two separate blood tests come back with slightly elevated prolactin. I'm working with both an OBGYN and naturopath. I see my OBGYN again next Wednesday.My OB put me on progesterone for the second half of my cycle "just to put my mind at ease", but not because she thinks I need it, apparently. I have pretty regular cycles, but have not managed to get pregnant since my MMC in July.I spoke with my naturopath following my second blood test with elevated prolactin, and she said we could try Vitex (1000mg) to bring it down as apparently this is the main thing that Vitex regulates. I started it at the beginning of this cycle.I always have ovulation spotting and cramping, and I usually ovulate CD16.This month, on CD16 I'd had no positive OPK, but felt my usual ovulation cramping and then saw bright red blood when I wiped along with a small clot.But I wound up getting a positive OPK on CD18, and now appear to have ovulated CD19.The issue: since my bright red blood incident, I've had spotting for 10 days straight. It's all very faint pink, but it's pretty constant. This is in spite of the progesterone I've been taking since CD19.Given that I know for a fact that I've been dealing with a hormonal imbalance from my bloodwork, would it be fair to assume that I'm dealing with a "levelling out" period, and that next cycle might be better? Or should I probably abandon Vitex altogether, as 10 days of spotting is not particularly normal.
