Does anyone else have nausea where you can’t stand the smell of food?

I never knew I had endo or even heard of it till last august. So I’m fairly new to all this. Trying to understand a chronic illness I never knew I had. Thinking my mental health was mental health but now maybe it’s always been a hormonal imbalance.

Now I’m 28 my symptoms are getting worse, more nausea more fatigue, more pain where a cyst ruptured on my left side

I started having this nausea in high school when I was 15 around the same time I got my period so it make sense.

Thanks for any input. All is appreciated !!

I never knew I had endo or even heard of it till last august. So I’m fairly new to all this. Trying to understand a chronic illness I never knew I had. Thinking my mental health was mental health but now maybe it’s always been a hormonal imbalance.Now I’m 28 my symptoms are getting worse, more nausea more fatigue, more pain where a cyst ruptured on my left sideI started having this nausea in high school when I was 15 around the same time I got my period so it make sense.Thanks for any input. All is appreciated !!
