Hormonal imbalance affecting my skin and vagina

I’m a 28 year old female. I’ve struggled with cystic acne my whole life which is more of a secondary issue as to why I’m posting in this thread. For the last 6-7 months I’ve struggled with vulva pain and itching. I’ve also always struggled with consistent UTI’s my whole life and a lot in the last year. I did get a new partner which I know had a lot to do with it and it seems to have settled- for now. I know sometimes our PH and their PH can sometimes not mix well so I wonder if that’s what is happening? Does that go away eventually? We are both very clean and I take my vagina health very seriously. I take probiotics, I use proper cleansers for it, etc. It used to get worse before my period but it’s all over the place. I find it usually affects just the upper vulvas and my clit. It’s inflamed and itchy but not all the time. And it’s sore. Towards my vagina and internally it hasn’t been a problem. I have clean normal smelling discharge. I’ve used treatments for fungal infections OTC and from a doctor. It seems to work and then it just comes back so I’ve tried to avoid those lately. Hydrocortisone cream helps but it’s only a band aid solution. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know what’s wrong.

I’m a 28 year old female. I’ve struggled with cystic acne my whole life which is more of a secondary issue as to why I’m posting in this thread. For the last 6-7 months I’ve struggled with vulva pain and itching. I’ve also always struggled with consistent UTI’s my whole life and a lot in the last year. I did get a new partner which I know had a lot to do with it and it seems to have settled- for now. I know sometimes our PH and their PH can sometimes not mix well so I wonder if that’s what is happening? Does that go away eventually? We are both very clean and I take my vagina health very seriously. I take probiotics, I use proper cleansers for it, etc. It used to get worse before my period but it’s all over the place. I find it usually affects just the upper vulvas and my clit. It’s inflamed and itchy but not all the time. And it’s sore. Towards my vagina and internally it hasn’t been a problem. I have clean normal smelling discharge. I’ve used treatments for fungal infections OTC and from a doctor. It seems to work and then it just comes back so I’ve tried to avoid those lately. Hydrocortisone cream helps but it’s only a band aid solution. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know what’s wrong. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2TpyU73
