I’m just sad today.

Sorry if this isn’t the best place to post this, but I’m in between stretches of therapy and don’t want to bum my boyfriend out with this, but I just needed to get these words out to someone, somewhere.

I’m fuckin’ sad. That’s it. And today I just feel like, why bother? We only have one life to live, and somehow I was dealt with these shitty cards. My shitty childhood, this body, these hormonal imbalances and mental illnesses and I’m only fucking 23.

There’s people with healthy minds, healthy beautiful bodies, healthy relationships. Yeah, everyone has their problems, but how is it fair that some of us get so much worse of a deal out of this thing we never even asked for?

I’m on meds and in therapy to work towards a healthy mind of my own. I’ve worked so hard on losing weight and treating my body better in hopes that I’ll one day feel like it’s MY body, but I find that unlikely to happen. I’m not here to whine about life being hard while not doing anything about it.

I’m doing everything I can do to be happier and have a better life, but it’s so god damn exhausting and how the fuck am I supposed to keep this up for 60 more years? Can I even make it through this year?

Sorry if this isn’t the best place to post this, but I’m in between stretches of therapy and don’t want to bum my boyfriend out with this, but I just needed to get these words out to someone, somewhere.I’m fuckin’ sad. That’s it. And today I just feel like, why bother? We only have one life to live, and somehow I was dealt with these shitty cards. My shitty childhood, this body, these hormonal imbalances and mental illnesses and I’m only fucking 23.There’s people with healthy minds, healthy beautiful bodies, healthy relationships. Yeah, everyone has their problems, but how is it fair that some of us get so much worse of a deal out of this thing we never even asked for?I’m on meds and in therapy to work towards a healthy mind of my own. I’ve worked so hard on losing weight and treating my body better in hopes that I’ll one day feel like it’s MY body, but I find that unlikely to happen. I’m not here to whine about life being hard while not doing anything about it.I’m doing everything I can do to be happier and have a better life, but it’s so god damn exhausting and how the fuck am I supposed to keep this up for 60 more years? Can I even make it through this year? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2PpNevl
