I have no sympathy for people who are bitching because they are housebound! What about me???

How am I supposed to feel sympathy for people who are now bitching and whining because they have to limit their social activities due to the Covid-19 outbreak? How? I don't give a fu&%! I have been "incarcerated" in my own home for years. I am a recluse. To be exact, I am a hikikomori. I have been deprived of basic human needs: love, sex, going to the prom, going shopping for clothes. I have no family and no friends, aside from my pets whom I love to death. The list would take days to compile, but the point is that 95% of things that normal people can do like going to the store or going to the beach, I can't do. Not only am I ugly, I am deformed. My face virilized due to a hormonal imbalance, so, I am the ultimate type of fugly. I have to wait until there's nobody outside to check my mailbox or put the trash in the dumpster, otherwise, I get stared at and laughed at. I have been told that things will be alright, that everything is fine and I just have to think positive, but that was a load of crap. So, people need to stop whining. These are people who have no real issues. If normal people had 1% of the problems I face daily, they would kill themselves.

How am I supposed to feel sympathy for people who are now bitching and whining because they have to limit their social activities due to the Covid-19 outbreak? How? I don't give a fu&%! I have been "incarcerated" in my own home for years. I am a recluse. To be exact, I am a hikikomori. I have been deprived of basic human needs: love, sex, going to the prom, going shopping for clothes. I have no family and no friends, aside from my pets whom I love to death. The list would take days to compile, but the point is that 95% of things that normal people can do like going to the store or going to the beach, I can't do. Not only am I ugly, I am deformed. My face virilized due to a hormonal imbalance, so, I am the ultimate type of fugly. I have to wait until there's nobody outside to check my mailbox or put the trash in the dumpster, otherwise, I get stared at and laughed at. I have been told that things will be alright, that everything is fine and I just have to think positive, but that was a load of crap. So, people need to stop whining. These are people who have no real issues. If normal people had 1% of the problems I face daily, they would kill themselves. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2WTsY9N
