PSA: Check out

Ali Miller RD’s podcast episodes (and other resources—but especially the podcasts) on Candida and dysbiosis helped me clear my Candida overgrowth and symptoms. She is a registered dietician who really knows her stuff — she explains at the biochemical level how different foods feed Candida and how hormonal and chemical imbalances (caused by antibiotics, stress, etc.) can lead to and perpetuate Candida and leaky gut (which can go hand-in-hand). The information is FREE, though she sells her own supplement line and services (full disclosure: I did end up doing a round of her Candida cleanse protocol and I would do it again).

To get you started:

General website

Episode 22: Candida albicans and yeast

Episode 60: Dysbiosis and the microbiome

Episode 131: Candida and SIBO Deep Dive

Episode 87: The Gut-Brain Axis

Check out any and every podcast episode you think you might be interested—so many knowledge bombs dropped throughout!

ETA: I will post more about my personal experience in the comments, should that be helpful to anyone.

Ali Miller RD’s podcast episodes (and other resources—but especially the podcasts) on Candida and dysbiosis helped me clear my Candida overgrowth and symptoms. She is a registered dietician who really knows her stuff — she explains at the biochemical level how different foods feed Candida and how hormonal and chemical imbalances (caused by antibiotics, stress, etc.) can lead to and perpetuate Candida and leaky gut (which can go hand-in-hand). The information is FREE, though she sells her own supplement line and services (full disclosure: I did end up doing a round of her Candida cleanse protocol and I would do it again).To get you started:General websiteEpisode 22: Candida albicans and yeastEpisode 60: Dysbiosis and the microbiomeEpisode 131: Candida and SIBO Deep DiveEpisode 87: The Gut-Brain AxisCheck out any and every podcast episode you think you might be interested—so many knowledge bombs dropped throughout!ETA: I will post more about my personal experience in the comments, should that be helpful to anyone.
