Telogen effluvium and wiry pube-like hairs on scalp?

Hi all. I've noticed I've been shedding a lot in the past month (assuming TE). Yesterday I noticed that I have 3 very wiry, curly, pubic hair like hairs on the top of my head. They're about 2 inches long, so have been growing about 4 months. Any idea what could be causing this? Vitamin deficiency/ hormonal imbalance? I'm thinking the reason they're appearing may also be the reason I'm losing hair elsewhere. Anyone have any information on these?

Hi all. I've noticed I've been shedding a lot in the past month (assuming TE). Yesterday I noticed that I have 3 very wiry, curly, pubic hair like hairs on the top of my head. They're about 2 inches long, so have been growing about 4 months. Any idea what could be causing this? Vitamin deficiency/ hormonal imbalance? I'm thinking the reason they're appearing may also be the reason I'm losing hair elsewhere. Anyone have any information on these?
