Why is there such a huge stigma against fapping?- Part 2

This one is in response to one of the previous posts that I posted yesterday over here. This is the post -


I heard all sides of the story and now I would like to address a few things.
First let me say my side of the story. I have not masturbated in more than 36 hours now! It's not because I am trying noFap or something. It's because I simply didn't get the time to, but I will eventually do it sometime this week and I will tell you the reason why. As I mentioned, I have bipolar disorder. If you don't know what that is, you can just google it up. The chemical imbalance in my brain is so huge that it makes me feel suicidal 24*7. But I don't act on urges or I would have been dead already. Most people who doesn't have mental problems like these would have no idea what I am talking about. I will let you know my experiences with no fap. I used to stay alone in a dorm for 5 years from 2013-2018. No room mates, no friends, nothing. It was easy in the first few years but eventually when my bipolar became worse in 2017-18, it was terrible. There would have been days when I didn't have even the energy to get out from bed, I would have not eaten for 4-5 days at a stretch because I simply didn't have the energy to get out of bed. I wouldn't have showered for months. My room was a total mess. It looked worse than a trash can. I had no human contact for weeks or even months. It was like social confinement. The only time I would talk to a human being was if I ever found myself the energy to go out and eat and generally it was the waiter. Most of you over here would not even have experienced such types of adversities. My parents lived 40 kms away and it was not possible for them to come stay at my dorm and take care of me. I was going through undiagnosed Bipolar that time. I did not even masturbate for about a month. And then it became worse, my entire brain was on flight or fight mode for days, masturbation relieved a bit of the stress and anxiety but the panic attacks I had is beyond compare. And I was all alone. I had so much suicidal thoughts, I tried every possible way of killing myself. And these are just chemical imbalances in my brain that made me feel that. There is no known cure for bipolar. They treat bipolar with the same thing that they used to treat in 1800s,i.e, Lithium. And they don't even know how or why Lithium works. Lithium has very bad side effects like drowsiness, weight gain, suicidal thoughts, artificially created hunger cravings, can lead to kidney stones in the long run. I solved a few problems of these by myself, when I realized my brain was in panic mode due to not masturbating/having sex in the long run. The thing is in my dorm, the landlord used to live upstairs and girls were not allowed. I however tried to sneak them at nights, but you can't keep on regularly do that forever. Anyway, I went on full blown crazy in march 2018. I don't even want to talk about it. No, if you are telling me that masturbating makes me a beta, I am okay with that.

And why, so? Because I have always been known for my work ethic and how I deal with women. I have been a professional portrait and fashion photographer and did even event photography.

I was always known for not even talking to girls properly unless I needed to and not giving them any attention. I was just there to do my job. And trust me these were HB 8/10s I worked with daily and had them around 24*7 and never did once in my life I felt any slight attraction to them. The reason for this is I dated a girl in high school in 20122 and I quickly learnt that you should never date anyone from your school/college/workplace. I learnt this the hard way even before redpill was a thing. When I quit my photography gig, the replacement I provided to the media agency I was working with was so terrible with girls, the manager called me up and said they want me back.

I have had turned down countless offers for sex from pretty attractive looking girls. I have never been in a relationship after that 2011 incident. I just kept spinning plates. Some of them broke, others I put back on the shelf. There is still this ex-fwb from 2018 who is constantly texting me for the past few months to meet up and you know why. I simply don't find the energy or time to go meet her despite knowing that I would get instant sex from it. And let me tell you why this happens, It is fundamentally how our brain works, before taking any action, our brain predicts how much energy/work it has to do to achieve something and makes decision based on the risk and reward. If I can fap for 2 minutes and get on with it. Why is there a need for my brain to travel 30 miles to meet a girl? There isn't.

All of you who are preaching confidence through NoFap, let me tell you this, I used to be a very shy beta nice guy in early teens. Forget even talking to girls, I couldn't even look them in the eye. I would put down my face and blush and my face was all red. How did I become confident with women? After I discovered PUA and redpill, I kept trying and failing and trying and failing until succeeding in having a higher N-count. The problem is due to our biology, we treat women as some God like objects. Just think about if you replaced that woman with a a man, would you still indulge in the same type of behaviour as you did? No, you wouldn't! You wouldnt constantly think about them, you wouldn't try to be desperate and wake up all night just to talk to them, you wouldn't buy them flowers or gifts or expensive diamond rings, you wouldn't marry them! Like seriously try replacing that girl with a guy in your mind and you will realize how irrational it is the things you are doing. You biology will instantly kick in and you would think eww, that's gross! Masturbation rewires your brain, it makes you realize that these god like women that you are worshipping are not actually god like. Yes, it is true you might not even enjoy sex anymore after masturbating and porn. I can see how that could be a problem for people who are trying to get into relationships or marriage. But as a MGTOW man, why are you even trying to get in a relationship/get married? What is going on there buddy?

Now the final part, let's talk about addiction and masturbation. Cigarette addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction is different than porn addiction. How is it that? Cigarette,drugs,alcohol are introduced to yourself by you. Sexual desires are your biology. When we are in our teens and raging with hormones, things change totally forever. Just imagine how boys/kids didnt even like their counter part but suddenly once they hit puberty they can't stop orbitting their female counterparts. Why do you think it is that way? It is the hormones. Sexual desire is a physiological need much more than a psychological need. Just like hunger is a physiological need. You can fast for a lot of time, but eventually you would need to eat. I had fasted for countless days in the past. It is good. Nofap is good for moderation. But think about it in the long run. How long do you plan to NoFap? 6 months? 1 year? what happens in 5-10-20-30 years? The cum is going to come out of you one way or the other. People are so lost in the short term, they try to think of it is as the bigger picture. Sexual desires are physiological needs. NoFapping in the long run is equivalent to starvation. Someone on the previous post was calling others beta monkeys for fapping. Bruh, I don't know about others, but as I said I still have an abundance of woman and I choose not to waste my time on them. I don't like wasting my time in pointless things that are not gonna give me any benefits in the long run. I work 14-18 hour days 7 days a week, I run a few side businesses and then have coding on my side. I have coded every single day for the past 110 days for atleast 1 hour each day. You have no idea how impossible that is for anyone who has serious mental illness and then I found some people calling masturbation is a mental disorder.

NoFap is great for someone who has never been in abundancy of women. If you ever have been red pilled, you would have natural confidence of your own. NoFapping to confidence is a scarcity mindset. Try NoFap and what happens when you come in contact with a women or a woman touches your hand. Jeez, you just jizzed your pants bruh. Let me tell you this, in real world I have never looked at a random woman in a sexual way. Never ever. Why? Because I had abundance and I could actually see they person they were behind their shiny makeup and revealing clothes.

The ultimate goal in your life would be to be so powerful that when a women comes in front of you, her pussy has no power over it. Most men fail in that, think of the likes of Elon Musk, Johnny Depp, Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski. Anyone who is preaching you NoFap culture, just ask them what are there plans in the long run. How long do they plan to do NoFap, and if their answer is not for the rest of their lives, you should know better as a MGTOW man.

I also understand that not every advice works for everyone and everyone needs to find their own way. But stop shaming others for masturbating. The problem with the younger generation these days is they think they are smart and clever. Well, any experienced man would choose wisdom over smartness and shrewdness.

NOTE: This post is only meant for MGTOW community. I can understand why redpill or msm would preach NoFap, but a truly MGTOW man,especially above 30s who have went their own way and are happy living alone and doing their own thing, would never preach NoFap to you. Because even they are wise enough to not deny their biology. People comparing themselves to monks due to NoFap and all these pseudo science bullshit. Well, buddy try living how the monks live for a month, and you will get the fuck out of that super soon. Sexual Repression is not the key. You are trying to deny your biology and hormones and what makes you a man. I think NoFap preachers should preach gender reassignment too. We are pretty much headed that way. If I can put in 14-18 hour work days while not involving in any form of sexual repression. Do you think you can't? Even you can! Stop getting your brain rewired by people who would tell you do to what they are trying to sell you. I am not trying to belittle anyone. Educate, Experiment and Learn what works best for your body. Everyone has their own journey. GYOW. Power to everyone of you!

This one is in response to one of the previous posts that I posted yesterday over here. This is the post -https://ift.tt/2vZwS61 heard all sides of the story and now I would like to address a few things.First let me say my side of the story. I have not masturbated in more than 36 hours now! It's not because I am trying noFap or something. It's because I simply didn't get the time to, but I will eventually do it sometime this week and I will tell you the reason why. As I mentioned, I have bipolar disorder. If you don't know what that is, you can just google it up. The chemical imbalance in my brain is so huge that it makes me feel suicidal 24*7. But I don't act on urges or I would have been dead already. Most people who doesn't have mental problems like these would have no idea what I am talking about. I will let you know my experiences with no fap. I used to stay alone in a dorm for 5 years from 2013-2018. No room mates, no friends, nothing. It was easy in the first few years but eventually when my bipolar became worse in 2017-18, it was terrible. There would have been days when I didn't have even the energy to get out from bed, I would have not eaten for 4-5 days at a stretch because I simply didn't have the energy to get out of bed. I wouldn't have showered for months. My room was a total mess. It looked worse than a trash can. I had no human contact for weeks or even months. It was like social confinement. The only time I would talk to a human being was if I ever found myself the energy to go out and eat and generally it was the waiter. Most of you over here would not even have experienced such types of adversities. My parents lived 40 kms away and it was not possible for them to come stay at my dorm and take care of me. I was going through undiagnosed Bipolar that time. I did not even masturbate for about a month. And then it became worse, my entire brain was on flight or fight mode for days, masturbation relieved a bit of the stress and anxiety but the panic attacks I had is beyond compare. And I was all alone. I had so much suicidal thoughts, I tried every possible way of killing myself. And these are just chemical imbalances in my brain that made me feel that. There is no known cure for bipolar. They treat bipolar with the same thing that they used to treat in 1800s,i.e, Lithium. And they don't even know how or why Lithium works. Lithium has very bad side effects like drowsiness, weight gain, suicidal thoughts, artificially created hunger cravings, can lead to kidney stones in the long run. I solved a few problems of these by myself, when I realized my brain was in panic mode due to not masturbating/having sex in the long run. The thing is in my dorm, the landlord used to live upstairs and girls were not allowed. I however tried to sneak them at nights, but you can't keep on regularly do that forever. Anyway, I went on full blown crazy in march 2018. I don't even want to talk about it. No, if you are telling me that masturbating makes me a beta, I am okay with that.And why, so? Because I have always been known for my work ethic and how I deal with women. I have been a professional portrait and fashion photographer and did even event photography.I was always known for not even talking to girls properly unless I needed to and not giving them any attention. I was just there to do my job. And trust me these were HB 8/10s I worked with daily and had them around 24*7 and never did once in my life I felt any slight attraction to them. The reason for this is I dated a girl in high school in 20122 and I quickly learnt that you should never date anyone from your school/college/workplace. I learnt this the hard way even before redpill was a thing. When I quit my photography gig, the replacement I provided to the media agency I was working with was so terrible with girls, the manager called me up and said they want me back.I have had turned down countless offers for sex from pretty attractive looking girls. I have never been in a relationship after that 2011 incident. I just kept spinning plates. Some of them broke, others I put back on the shelf. There is still this ex-fwb from 2018 who is constantly texting me for the past few months to meet up and you know why. I simply don't find the energy or time to go meet her despite knowing that I would get instant sex from it. And let me tell you why this happens, It is fundamentally how our brain works, before taking any action, our brain predicts how much energy/work it has to do to achieve something and makes decision based on the risk and reward. If I can fap for 2 minutes and get on with it. Why is there a need for my brain to travel 30 miles to meet a girl? There isn't.All of you who are preaching confidence through NoFap, let me tell you this, I used to be a very shy beta nice guy in early teens. Forget even talking to girls, I couldn't even look them in the eye. I would put down my face and blush and my face was all red. How did I become confident with women? After I discovered PUA and redpill, I kept trying and failing and trying and failing until succeeding in having a higher N-count. The problem is due to our biology, we treat women as some God like objects. Just think about if you replaced that woman with a a man, would you still indulge in the same type of behaviour as you did? No, you wouldn't! You wouldnt constantly think about them, you wouldn't try to be desperate and wake up all night just to talk to them, you wouldn't buy them flowers or gifts or expensive diamond rings, you wouldn't marry them! Like seriously try replacing that girl with a guy in your mind and you will realize how irrational it is the things you are doing. You biology will instantly kick in and you would think eww, that's gross! Masturbation rewires your brain, it makes you realize that these god like women that you are worshipping are not actually god like. Yes, it is true you might not even enjoy sex anymore after masturbating and porn. I can see how that could be a problem for people who are trying to get into relationships or marriage. But as a MGTOW man, why are you even trying to get in a relationship/get married? What is going on there buddy?Now the final part, let's talk about addiction and masturbation. Cigarette addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction is different than porn addiction. How is it that? Cigarette,drugs,alcohol are introduced to yourself by you. Sexual desires are your biology. When we are in our teens and raging with hormones, things change totally forever. Just imagine how boys/kids didnt even like their counter part but suddenly once they hit puberty they can't stop orbitting their female counterparts. Why do you think it is that way? It is the hormones. Sexual desire is a physiological need much more than a psychological need. Just like hunger is a physiological need. You can fast for a lot of time, but eventually you would need to eat. I had fasted for countless days in the past. It is good. Nofap is good for moderation. But think about it in the long run. How long do you plan to NoFap? 6 months? 1 year? what happens in 5-10-20-30 years? The cum is going to come out of you one way or the other. People are so lost in the short term, they try to think of it is as the bigger picture. Sexual desires are physiological needs. NoFapping in the long run is equivalent to starvation. Someone on the previous post was calling others beta monkeys for fapping. Bruh, I don't know about others, but as I said I still have an abundance of woman and I choose not to waste my time on them. I don't like wasting my time in pointless things that are not gonna give me any benefits in the long run. I work 14-18 hour days 7 days a week, I run a few side businesses and then have coding on my side. I have coded every single day for the past 110 days for atleast 1 hour each day. You have no idea how impossible that is for anyone who has serious mental illness and then I found some people calling masturbation is a mental disorder.NoFap is great for someone who has never been in abundancy of women. If you ever have been red pilled, you would have natural confidence of your own. NoFapping to confidence is a scarcity mindset. Try NoFap and what happens when you come in contact with a women or a woman touches your hand. Jeez, you just jizzed your pants bruh. Let me tell you this, in real world I have never looked at a random woman in a sexual way. Never ever. Why? Because I had abundance and I could actually see they person they were behind their shiny makeup and revealing clothes.The ultimate goal in your life would be to be so powerful that when a women comes in front of you, her pussy has no power over it. Most men fail in that, think of the likes of Elon Musk, Johnny Depp, Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski. Anyone who is preaching you NoFap culture, just ask them what are there plans in the long run. How long do they plan to do NoFap, and if their answer is not for the rest of their lives, you should know better as a MGTOW man.I also understand that not every advice works for everyone and everyone needs to find their own way. But stop shaming others for masturbating. The problem with the younger generation these days is they think they are smart and clever. Well, any experienced man would choose wisdom over smartness and shrewdness.NOTE: This post is only meant for MGTOW community. I can understand why redpill or msm would preach NoFap, but a truly MGTOW man,especially above 30s who have went their own way and are happy living alone and doing their own thing, would never preach NoFap to you. Because even they are wise enough to not deny their biology. People comparing themselves to monks due to NoFap and all these pseudo science bullshit. Well, buddy try living how the monks live for a month, and you will get the fuck out of that super soon. Sexual Repression is not the key. You are trying to deny your biology and hormones and what makes you a man. I think NoFap preachers should preach gender reassignment too. We are pretty much headed that way. If I can put in 14-18 hour work days while not involving in any form of sexual repression. Do you think you can't? Even you can! Stop getting your brain rewired by people who would tell you do to what they are trying to sell you. I am not trying to belittle anyone. Educate, Experiment and Learn what works best for your body. Everyone has their own journey. GYOW. Power to everyone of you! https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2Rc4eWX
