AITA for resenting a friend who was aggressive due to “hormonal imbalances” while pregnant?

A few months ago I went out on the town drinking with her and her friends (no one knew she was pregnant). Not long into the night my friend vomits on the floor of the bar so we decide it's home time for her. She starts to become extremely aggressive towards everyone, yelling and making every insult possible. It was a very busy night so it took a long time to find her Uber and we had a stressful hour or so enduring this behaviour. It caused a massive argument between everyone and I didn't even know these people as she was the mutual friend. Oh, she was also kicking street signs and took a piss on the footpath while we ordered about 4 Ubers for her! It really was busy and added to the stress.

The next day I wanted to confront this behaviour as it caused a massive scene and made for an extremely uncomfortable night with people I didn't know. I started with "I need to tell you that last night you were extremely aggressive towards everyone and caused a huge scene." Before I can continue she starts with "Ok, I didn't want to tell anyone but I'm pregnant and I've been really hormonal." At this point I'm just shocked because I didn't expect that and I can't really continue on with the scolding. I have seen her aggressive due to alcohol in the past so I know it was not related, but maybe I should move past that due to the situation? She also blamed the vomiting on the pregnancy. I know for a fact she was pregnant as I went for a ultrasound with her within the next week. She intended on getting an abortion from the start so I think that's why she was drinking. We didn't get into that part of it. Since she was upset about the abortion and we were talking about that a lot, it kind of erased that night and everything that happened.

Anyway, I didn't forget because it was massively stressful experience. I'm annoyed that I did not get a genuine apology for her behaviour that night, and it bothers me so much that I can't confront her for using the pregnancy card, due to the nature of the situation. I think I may be the asshole for not considering her situation more, but it still happened and was really stressful for everyone involved. I'm sure her behaviour had nothing to do with a hormonal imbalance and was due to her alcohol consumption. AITA?

A few months ago I went out on the town drinking with her and her friends (no one knew she was pregnant). Not long into the night my friend vomits on the floor of the bar so we decide it's home time for her. She starts to become extremely aggressive towards everyone, yelling and making every insult possible. It was a very busy night so it took a long time to find her Uber and we had a stressful hour or so enduring this behaviour. It caused a massive argument between everyone and I didn't even know these people as she was the mutual friend. Oh, she was also kicking street signs and took a piss on the footpath while we ordered about 4 Ubers for her! It really was busy and added to the stress.The next day I wanted to confront this behaviour as it caused a massive scene and made for an extremely uncomfortable night with people I didn't know. I started with "I need to tell you that last night you were extremely aggressive towards everyone and caused a huge scene." Before I can continue she starts with "Ok, I didn't want to tell anyone but I'm pregnant and I've been really hormonal." At this point I'm just shocked because I didn't expect that and I can't really continue on with the scolding. I have seen her aggressive due to alcohol in the past so I know it was not related, but maybe I should move past that due to the situation? She also blamed the vomiting on the pregnancy. I know for a fact she was pregnant as I went for a ultrasound with her within the next week. She intended on getting an abortion from the start so I think that's why she was drinking. We didn't get into that part of it. Since she was upset about the abortion and we were talking about that a lot, it kind of erased that night and everything that happened.Anyway, I didn't forget because it was massively stressful experience. I'm annoyed that I did not get a genuine apology for her behaviour that night, and it bothers me so much that I can't confront her for using the pregnancy card, due to the nature of the situation. I think I may be the asshole for not considering her situation more, but it still happened and was really stressful for everyone involved. I'm sure her behaviour had nothing to do with a hormonal imbalance and was due to her alcohol consumption. AITA?
