Already want to get my IUD Mirena removed, seeking advice

Hi there I had been on hormonal BC pills for about 10 years. Sprintec was the medication I was on. No acne, no weight gain, break through bleeding occasionally with trying to skip periods, and had control decently over periods. The one issue was a mood imbalance and just major mood swings and felt like it was messing with my relationship and I really thought it was the pill- so I finally called and inquired about an IUD. I got Mirena 9 days ago.

I came home and had the cramping and the bleeding and I believe it induced a period in me too/ so I finally am done bleeding but I am spotting and truly feel just VERY stressed about having this internal device, and I feel like with my anxious personality sex is going to be just worrisome always that it will move, strings will be a problem, etc. and I now have the unknown 6 month bleeding situation just swimming around in my brain enough to where I got cold sore prior to placement from stress and now another big one developing because I feel so stressed out about this.

I know I barely have given it a chance, but I want to have it removed and go back on my pill and realize I was doing fine enough on it and would rather take maybe an anti anxiety med instead of having this IUD.

Would it be unheard of to remove it this early? I can’t stop thinking and stressing about it

Hi there I had been on hormonal BC pills for about 10 years. Sprintec was the medication I was on. No acne, no weight gain, break through bleeding occasionally with trying to skip periods, and had control decently over periods. The one issue was a mood imbalance and just major mood swings and felt like it was messing with my relationship and I really thought it was the pill- so I finally called and inquired about an IUD. I got Mirena 9 days ago.I came home and had the cramping and the bleeding and I believe it induced a period in me too/ so I finally am done bleeding but I am spotting and truly feel just VERY stressed about having this internal device, and I feel like with my anxious personality sex is going to be just worrisome always that it will move, strings will be a problem, etc. and I now have the unknown 6 month bleeding situation just swimming around in my brain enough to where I got cold sore prior to placement from stress and now another big one developing because I feel so stressed out about this.I know I barely have given it a chance, but I want to have it removed and go back on my pill and realize I was doing fine enough on it and would rather take maybe an anti anxiety med instead of having this IUD.Would it be unheard of to remove it this early? I can’t stop thinking and stressing about it
