Can you develop PCOS after stopping hormonal birth control?

When I was 16-17 I was prescribed the birth control pill Valette by my gyno in Germany for heavy crampy and bleeding periods and having excess body hair. I don't remember irregular periods, was getting a period every month but they were just horrible with cramps and heavy bleeding.

I started the pill and wanted to try without it when I was about 20-21. Back than I got my period back quite soon like within 5-6 weeks and remember it became regular after that too. But my hair started to shed and the periods became very uncomfortable again so I went to see the gyno and he was angry about me stopping the pill and said either continue with it or deal with this. But didn't give me a clear diagnose. Scared of going bald I just continued to take the pill until last December.

I'm 33 now and wanted to see how things are with fertility. It's been almost 5 months now since I stopped the pill, my first cycle was 69 days, the second one was 37 days and now I'm in the 3rd cycle on day 41. Last month I got blood work done, the LH:FSH ratio was 1.6:1 which scared me a bit as I read the ratio could indicate PCOS. Free testosterone was in the low normal range. AMH 3.32. Right now the unregular periods, body hair and facial hair which I always used to have in excess (btw I'm Turkish with quite hairy father and brother) and the LH:FSH ratio is bugging my mind. I also started to shed more hair but from all I read it's quite common after stopping birth control. Gyno said I might have a mild PCOS but right now due to the Covid-19 it's not possible to get face to face appointments.

Could it be that I always had PCOS and now it's getting worse as I'm off the pill or is it possible to develop PCOS after quitting the pill, maybe some sort of temporary PCOS due to the hormonal imbalance happening after stopping birth control?

When I was 16-17 I was prescribed the birth control pill Valette by my gyno in Germany for heavy crampy and bleeding periods and having excess body hair. I don't remember irregular periods, was getting a period every month but they were just horrible with cramps and heavy bleeding.I started the pill and wanted to try without it when I was about 20-21. Back than I got my period back quite soon like within 5-6 weeks and remember it became regular after that too. But my hair started to shed and the periods became very uncomfortable again so I went to see the gyno and he was angry about me stopping the pill and said either continue with it or deal with this. But didn't give me a clear diagnose. Scared of going bald I just continued to take the pill until last December.I'm 33 now and wanted to see how things are with fertility. It's been almost 5 months now since I stopped the pill, my first cycle was 69 days, the second one was 37 days and now I'm in the 3rd cycle on day 41. Last month I got blood work done, the LH:FSH ratio was 1.6:1 which scared me a bit as I read the ratio could indicate PCOS. Free testosterone was in the low normal range. AMH 3.32. Right now the unregular periods, body hair and facial hair which I always used to have in excess (btw I'm Turkish with quite hairy father and brother) and the LH:FSH ratio is bugging my mind. I also started to shed more hair but from all I read it's quite common after stopping birth control. Gyno said I might have a mild PCOS but right now due to the Covid-19 it's not possible to get face to face appointments.Could it be that I always had PCOS and now it's getting worse as I'm off the pill or is it possible to develop PCOS after quitting the pill, maybe some sort of temporary PCOS due to the hormonal imbalance happening after stopping birth control?
