Just sharing thoughts. Caffeine and hormonal levels.

Suddenly a thought spawned in my mind. What if due to caffeine effect happens various hormonal disbalances, like testosterone, estrogen, etc, etc? I mean it is obvious the fact that due to loads of cortisol and adrenaline in the body, there is a definite shift in the testosterone levels, which can be shown as belly fat, which indeed correlates with low testosterone levels. If taken from the female perspective, I've seen studies about how coffee, for instance, decreases the size of female breasts. From the biological perspective, when there is a danger (or artificial hormone disturbance, caused by caffeine) a woman can't feed her children. I mean what if caffeine intake can have some impairment for feeding of her child, for instance? I remember how my mother in the past had problems with feeding me properly, like she had problems with milk secretion. Here it is hypothetically possible to suppose, that caffeine has something with prolactin (lactating hormone). And from the danger perspective a woman can't feed her child, while there is some kind of a danger. So, probably that study about "decreasing size of breast" can have some truth in it.

From hormonal and biological perspective, what if caffeine disrupts or impairs mating process? Like additional stress can give misinterpetation of those pair bondings? I mean, from biological perspective a pair can be bonded with a proper match on hormonal level. Like, if testosterone is low, a woman may have problem with seeing a man as a man. Here, also it is necessary to remind the fact, that sometimes it is possible to see those articles about a grand testosterone decline in men. Like, artificial sweeteners, bad diet, lack of sleep, etc, etc. No wonder family values also a bit shacken up. However, at the same time I can't deny the fact, that hormones also play magnificent role in the life of a human being. Also, I even saw some articles about low sperm count due to stress. Also, here I saw even some people said something about infertility, which also is connected to caffeine, stress, etc. I wonder, however to hear a female's perspective, because I can say those things, from my, male's perspective. However, I assume there is something on the other side. I know that testosterone level declines, when there is some load of stress. However, the most predominant hormone in a female is estrogen. I mean caffeine, due to stress may lower testosterone level in a male, though testosterone levels in a female is lower, than in a male. Which hormones are come into imbalances due to caffeine exposure? Or is it acting the same, but testosterone levels in women, which are by the biology itself are low, become even lower?

I know that both sexes with prolonged stress can lead to fat gain (belly fat), loss of hair, sexual dysfunction, lack of sleep, anxiety, possible overeating, weak bones, impulsivity in actions and mood swings, depression. So, I suppose everyone is screwed up the same way, just on hormonal level. Now I wonder about how people can be screwed just on hormonal level for their entire lives. It's like living in an illusion, without entering into the full power of themselves. Like, not fully feeling masculinity and at the same time not feeling femininity, just on hormonal level. Just a hypothesis. And at the same time, feeding oneself with caffeine for the entire life, since childhood. No wonder, it's hard to quit, because there is a need to get back to the person that one should have become already with fully circulating hormones inside. And it may hard to get back to what supposed to be in full power, because there was a caffeinated life. Psychologically it may hard to adapt to this style, bestowed upon by nature. However, this caffeinated neuroplasticity can be changed into decaffeinated one. Just thoughts. I've always thought about "tuning oneself", like a guitar. And I've always known that there was something "out of tune", like sound is not that clean. Maybe, it's the last puzzle of this riddle, who knows.

Suddenly a thought spawned in my mind. What if due to caffeine effect happens various hormonal disbalances, like testosterone, estrogen, etc, etc? I mean it is obvious the fact that due to loads of cortisol and adrenaline in the body, there is a definite shift in the testosterone levels, which can be shown as belly fat, which indeed correlates with low testosterone levels. If taken from the female perspective, I've seen studies about how coffee, for instance, decreases the size of female breasts. From the biological perspective, when there is a danger (or artificial hormone disturbance, caused by caffeine) a woman can't feed her children. I mean what if caffeine intake can have some impairment for feeding of her child, for instance? I remember how my mother in the past had problems with feeding me properly, like she had problems with milk secretion. Here it is hypothetically possible to suppose, that caffeine has something with prolactin (lactating hormone). And from the danger perspective a woman can't feed her child, while there is some kind of a danger. So, probably that study about "decreasing size of breast" can have some truth in it.​From hormonal and biological perspective, what if caffeine disrupts or impairs mating process? Like additional stress can give misinterpetation of those pair bondings? I mean, from biological perspective a pair can be bonded with a proper match on hormonal level. Like, if testosterone is low, a woman may have problem with seeing a man as a man. Here, also it is necessary to remind the fact, that sometimes it is possible to see those articles about a grand testosterone decline in men. Like, artificial sweeteners, bad diet, lack of sleep, etc, etc. No wonder family values also a bit shacken up. However, at the same time I can't deny the fact, that hormones also play magnificent role in the life of a human being. Also, I even saw some articles about low sperm count due to stress. Also, here I saw even some people said something about infertility, which also is connected to caffeine, stress, etc. I wonder, however to hear a female's perspective, because I can say those things, from my, male's perspective. However, I assume there is something on the other side. I know that testosterone level declines, when there is some load of stress. However, the most predominant hormone in a female is estrogen. I mean caffeine, due to stress may lower testosterone level in a male, though testosterone levels in a female is lower, than in a male. Which hormones are come into imbalances due to caffeine exposure? Or is it acting the same, but testosterone levels in women, which are by the biology itself are low, become even lower?​I know that both sexes with prolonged stress can lead to fat gain (belly fat), loss of hair, sexual dysfunction, lack of sleep, anxiety, possible overeating, weak bones, impulsivity in actions and mood swings, depression. So, I suppose everyone is screwed up the same way, just on hormonal level. Now I wonder about how people can be screwed just on hormonal level for their entire lives. It's like living in an illusion, without entering into the full power of themselves. Like, not fully feeling masculinity and at the same time not feeling femininity, just on hormonal level. Just a hypothesis. And at the same time, feeding oneself with caffeine for the entire life, since childhood. No wonder, it's hard to quit, because there is a need to get back to the person that one should have become already with fully circulating hormones inside. And it may hard to get back to what supposed to be in full power, because there was a caffeinated life. Psychologically it may hard to adapt to this style, bestowed upon by nature. However, this caffeinated neuroplasticity can be changed into decaffeinated one. Just thoughts. I've always thought about "tuning oneself", like a guitar. And I've always known that there was something "out of tune", like sound is not that clean. Maybe, it's the last puzzle of this riddle, who knows. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3cZbgqf
